100% adhocism prevails in the only Govt Ayurvedic Medical College of J&K: Harsh Dev


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, June, 13
“While the Lt. Governor has issued categoric instructions to various govt deptts to put an end to the culture of adhocism, the only Govt Ayurvedic College in J&K is being made to run with 100% academic arrangement faculty. Strange but true. Not a single lecturer, Assistant Professor, Reader or Associate Professor has been recruited on permanent basis.
The same is true with regard to non teaching staff as well which has also been engaged on stop gap arrangement. So much so that even the Principal of the Ayurvedic College has been provided on adhoc arrangement.
The Principal of the GMC Jammu having been given the additional charge of Principal of Ayurvedic College, the Govt seems to have made a mockery of medical education in the UT as the functioning of both the institutions has been adversely impacted”. This was stated by Mr. Harsh Dev Singh Chairman-JKNPP and former Minister in a statement issued to the media today.
Whereas the govt Ayurvedic College was re-opened in 2017 after a gap of 36 years, it having been closed down in 1981, it has continued to be looked upon with derision and contempt by the helmsmen, said Mr. Singh. He reminisced the massive public pressure mounted upon the govt for re-opening of the said college which though has been made functional in papers but continues to be a dead horse for all practical purposes. With the entire faculty on adhoc, it was more of an ‘adhoc college of Ayurveda’ rather than ‘Govt College of Ayurveda’, asserted Mr. Singh adding that non challant attitude of the H&ME authorities had infact paved the way for extinction of Ayurvedic system of medicine from J&K. He said that the H&ME deptt had even misled the ‘Central Council of Indian Medicine’ (CCIM) over the issue of faculty and infrastructure by giving them a false feedback regarding availability of necessary pre-requisites for operationalization of the said college.
Calling upon the Lt. Governor to take cognizance of the serious lapses and infirmities in the running of the said college, Mr. Singh called for full pledged recruitment process besides provision of basic infrastructure to save the careers of hundreds of students undergoing training courses in the said college.
He said that 100% adhocism in the college had further evoked cynicism amongst the medical fraternity who were questioning as to whether the degrees offered by the said college would be of a permanent nature or merely adhoc degrees?” asserted Mr. Singh.
Further referring to the list of 9 candidates engaged on academic arrangement basis in the said Ayurvedic College vide a selection list released yesterday, Mr. Singh pointed out that a female candidate appearing in the said list had not participated in the viva voice test conducted by the selection committee.
Her selection under such circumstances had raised many an eye brow with the aggrieved candidates and others seeking a judicial probe into the whole gamut of selections. Moreover no candidate of SC category had been selected thereby vitiating the entire selection process besides making a mockery of the recruitment rules governing selections for govt Jobs”, rued Harsh. He cautioned to launch a full fledged agitation against the most culpable apathy shown by the present regime towards Ayurveda system of medicine in J&K which had further jeopardized the careers of students of Jammu region in particular.


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