3 effective spine strengthening exercises


We’ve heard of yoga. It stretches muscles and has quite a few postures. Interestingly, a lot of us have given our own versions. For instance, while working on a PC, some of us have our spines curved like a cobra. No, that’s not the way to do the cobra pose. Also, that’s pretty much the wrong way to bend your backs. The spine is surrounded by a thick group muscles, called the erector spinae. They stretch from the base of your head to the bottom of your back, and their role is to keep your back erect. Now, chances are, you’re experiencing back pain due to various reasons.If you suffer from chronic low back pain or are recovering from a minor back injury, strengthening your core muscles should be a primary focus of your rehabilitation program. The physical therapists at Spine Health Institute can teach you a variety of specially targeted exercises that will add stability to your spine while increasing your flexibility and reducing your chances of future re-injury and pain. For example, below are four easy-to-learn, no-impact exercises designed to strengthen your spine and lower your risk of back pain through flexion and extension of your core muscles.A passive exercise using little muscle effort. Lay on the floor with knees bent and feet on the floor. It’s essential to strengthen your core to relieve lower back pain. So here 3 effective spine strengthening exercises:
1. Fly like Superwoman /Superman
It’s a simple exercise that relieves back pain. Taking cue from Superwoman /Superman, you can now fly (stay grounded, though). Also, it helps in strengthening your core by working on your abdomen. Start by lying on the floor with your face down. Outstretch your arms and legs and make sure your head is aligned with your spine. Now, hold your abdominal muscles, breathe out, and slowly raise both, your arms and legs.
2. And, we roll it like…
An effective exercise, this one is easy and can be performed without any equipment. Lie flat on the floor and keep your shoulders firm. Now, gently roll both your knees over to one side, and stretch your hands outwards. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds, and come back to your initial position.
3. Cat’s the way
This one surprisingly draws inspiration from the one of the laziest creatures. It’s quite easy though. Come to your fours, by placing your palms and knees on the floor. Make sure they’re properly aligned.


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