478th Maharana Partap Jyanti organized at HP


Shadow Correspondent
Shri Rajput Sabha NURPUR (District Kangra, HP) organized Maharana Partap Jyanti and Rajput Milan Samaroh at NURPUR (HP). Kr. Narayan Singh President Shri Amar Kshatriya (Rajput) Sabha J&K was invited as Chief Guest. After Lamp Lighting Ceremony, a rich floral tributes were paid to Maharana Partap by Kr. Narayan Singh and Other Guests.
Before the function was started, a two minute silence was observed in honour of school going children, who lost their lives in a bus accident at NURPUR and majority of the school going children who died were of Rajput Community.
Large number of Men, Women and Children from the towns and other adjoining villages had gathered at site to pay homage to Maharana Partap. Shri Manoj Pathania Chairman Shri Rajput Sabha NURPUR welcomed Kr. Narayan Singh president Shri Amar Khstriya (Rajput) Sabha J&K and the gatherings present in the Samaroh. Kr. Narayan Singh in his address thanked Chairman Shri Rajput Sabha NURPUR for inviting him as Chief Guest in the Function. Kr. Narayan Singh threw light on the Life Style of Maharana Partap and his struggle against Mugals . Maharana Partap got support of all the people errespective of Caste and Creed, regrouped himself and his strength ultimately defeated the Mugals. Maharana Partap is our Icon and all of us must follow his foot prints to achieve progress in Life. Kr. Narayan Singh further stressed for unity among the Biradri and advised them to help each other to uplift the weaker members of the community. He said that we should behave like a true Rajput and asked our youth to shun bad habits, avoid drugs. We should devote most of our time towards our Children for their best education to enabling them to contest the competitions.
He distributed mementos to about 150 meritorious Students who had secured 80% and above marks in Class 10th Examination.
Besides others who spoke on the occasion were Shri. Ravinder Singh (Vicky) President Rajput Sabha Pathankot (Punjab) and Sh. Manoj Pathania Chairman Shri Rajput Sabha Sh Gurcharan Singh President Shri Rajput Sabha and Shri Rachpal Singh Pathania.


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