5 Ayurvedic Winter Superfoods You Must Consume For Stronger Immunity


Winters are here in its full force. And one is trying to do all that he can to prevent himself from the range of diseases and infections the season is infamous for. What is it about the winters that brings everybody on an alert mode? This is because during winters your immunity takes a dip and your susceptibility towards cold, flu, and infections rises significantly.But before we dive into that, let’s first get clear on exactly what ghee is: clarified butter. Clarified butter is essentially butter that has been lightly simmered on a stovetop, the process of which causes the milk fats, water and other impurities to separate out to the top and bottom of the pan.
During winters, the exposure to sunshine also reduces, which brings down the vitamin D in your body which is very important to be on the peak of health. One has to go an extra mile to ensure he/she is prevented from all the pathogens around.
Your diet can rev up your dipping immunities naturally. According to Ayurveda , these superfoods can lend you stronger Immunity to fight cold, cough and infections during winters.
5 Ayurvedic Winter Superfoods For immunity
1. Gur or Jaggery
According to Ayurvedic expert Dr. Dhanvantri Tyagi, Gur or jaggery is the cheapest and most widely available food you can load up on during winters for stronger immunity. Since it is rich in antioxidants and minerals such as iron, zinc and selenium, it can help prevent free-radical damage and also boosts resistance against infections. In addition to this, it keeps the body warm, helps treat cold and cough and controls the temperature of the body.
2. Amla
Amla or Indian gooseberry according to Dr. Dhanvantri Tyagi can also do wonders to your immunity system. You can have them as murabbas or juice. Juice should preferably be avoided during winters. Packed with immunity boosting Vitamin C, Amla can help keep infections at bay.
3. Til (Sesame)
According to Dr. Dhanvantri, Til and gur are immensely prized in Ayurveda as two of the most winter-perfect foods that helps to keep body warm and also increase the immunity at the same time. The oil present in the sesame seeds helps generate body heat and keeps the internal body temperature from dipping.
4. Turmeric
The immunity boosting spice could be the companion you are seeking for in this nippy weather. Power of Curcumin makes Turmeric one of the most treasured spices of Ayurveda.
Turmeric has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal agents that helps stimulate the human immune system. You can use the wonder spice to make yourself the nation’s favourite- ‘Haldi doodh’.
Take a teaspoon of the spice powder in a glass of warm milk daily and your chances of catching a flu could drop remarkably.
5. Ghee
This good fat could prove to be your magic elixir for immunity this nippy weather. Ghee is extensively used in various winter food preparations. From gajar ka halwa to panjiri to gondh ka ladoo, all the winter special delights are packed with ghee.
This is because ghee is one of the most easily digestible fat, which generates instant heat and energy. In addition to keeping your body warm, ghee contains essential fatty acids, and is a great immunity booster.
Dr. Dhanvantri also says, “In winters, one must ensure the perfect Vayu balance. So apart from taking immunity boosting foods, you must also take energy boosting foods.”


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