6 Cooling And Hydrating Drinks For Summers Suggested By Ayurveda


We need to do is to fodder ourselves with cooling and hydrating drinks
One of the best ways to cool your body temperature is to drink water
There are other drinks that Ayurveda suggests to include in your diet
It is summertime, and all we need to do is to fodder ourselves with cooling and hydrating drinks. While Ayurveda condemns the consumption of ice-cold foods and beverages as they disrupt the digestive fire called agni. It does encourage loading up on drinks that lowers the body temperature and not hamper the digestive system. This weak digestive system begins to work harder in order to digest and absorb nutrients and pitta dosha or the metabolism becomes unbalanced. One of the best ways to cool your body temperature is to drink lots of water that also helps keep it hydrated in sweltering summers. There are other drinks that Ayurveda suggests to include in your daily diet. Here are some amazing drinks suggested by
1. Aam Ka Panna
Aam ka panna is made using green mangoes. It is one of the best cooling drinks that help beat the heat. It has vital micro-nutrients that replenish the mineral levels in the body and keep it going through the hot days. Here’s how you can make aam ka panna at home.
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2. Poppy Seed Sorbet Or Khus Sherbet
Mixing poppy seed sherbet with lemon makes for an amazing drink during summers. It is an excellent source of iron, manganese and B6 vitamins. It is also diuretic in nature, which is why it is known for its cooling properties. Here’s how you can make khus ka sherbet at home.
3. Bael Ka Sherbet
Wood apple, or bael juice makes for a cooling agent. The juice of the fruit is considered to be beneficial for gastrointestinal problems, peptic ulcer, jaundice, obesity and gynaecological disorders. You can add some lemon juice to avoid the bitter after-taste, too.
4. Rose Sherbet (Gulab)
Rose sherbet or rose water contains various vitamins like vitamin A, C, E and B. It also makes for a hydrating and cooling drink that relieves digestive problems too. Here’s how you can make rose water at home and drink this healing elixir.
5. Phalsa Sherbet
Phalsa fruits are small berries that grow on the tree Grewia asiatica and resemble blackcurrants. Phalsa sherbet is said to relieve you from excessive heat. A glass of it daily may help prevent strokes. Here’s how you can make Phalse ka sherbet at home.
6. Sattu
This desi drink originated from Bihar is known for its cooling properties. Sattu powder is made with roasted black chanas, which is then used to make the drink. It is super filling and healthy; thanks to the presence of essential nutrients, fibre and proteins that make it a summer cooler. Here’s how you can make sattu at home.


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