Advisor Kumar reviews patient care at GMCH Jammu


Jammu, October 12: Advisor to Governor K. Vijay Kumar today took review of general patient care and facilities available at Government medical College Hospital Jammu to cope with Dengue Fever and Swine Flu Cases.

Divisional Commissioner Sanjeev Verma, Acting Principal, GMC Jammu, Dr. Dinesh Gupta, Commissioner Jammu Municipal Commission Pankaj Magotra, Managing Director JKMSCL Shiv Kumar Gupta, Administrator Smrita Sethi, Medical Superintendent Dr. Dara Singh, Chief Accounts Officer GMC, Personnel Officer Associated Hospitals, I/c Joint Director (P&S) GMC, Administrative Officer GMC and various Head of the departments attended the meeting.

The GMC management appraised the Advisor that there is no outbreak of Dengue or Swine Flu reported as yet and adequate preparedness with regard to diagnosis, infrastructure and manpower to deal with these two seasonal infectious challenges is available in Govt. Medical College, Jammu. The Advisor expressed his satisfaction over the report.

While taking review of the patent care in the hospital, the senior officers and HoDs apprised the advisor about certain issues being faced by them.

The HoDs from the diagnostic wings submitted that there is a need to classify separate diagnostic head   for the uninterrupted supply of diagnostic reagents and kits.

The Advisor asked HoD Blood Transfusion Medicine to keep adequate stock of Blood and Blood Products and maintain the highest level of aseptic precautions to avoid any contamination of blood.

Regarding procurement of lead testing equipments for the department of Biochemistry, the HoD Biochemistry appraised that NOC is awaited from the JKMSCL.   Necessary direction have been passed to the MD JKMSCL to issue the same.

The Advisor asked the MD JKMSCL and the authorities of GMC to acquire the available Colour Doppler Machines and Ventilators already purchased by the Corporation against the projected requirement to make the up-gradation of the Anaesthesia ICU/Emergency wing of GMC Jammu and directions were given to make High Dependency Ward/Unit to be made immediately functional.

The Advisor stressed on holding regular meetings of the HODs various diagnostic departments to project their work load visa viz demand so that decision regarding segregation of their funds can be taken if found rational.

The Advisor directed that funds for poor patients should be created by the concerned Medical Superintendent other than the prescribed schemes as many poor patients still remain out of the ambit of ongoing national and state level social welfare/medical Scheme.

The Commissioner Jammu Municipal Commission was directed to ensure hygienic condition in and around GMC to be maintained as well as to restrict dog menace so that the number of dog bites can be reduced.

The Advisor also took stock of progress on BSL 3, State of Art, Swine Flu Lab and VRDL Lab in the department of Microbiology. He also visited the High Tech Ultra Modern Biochemistry Lab and issued the necessary directions to complete the BSL 3 and Swine Flu Lab and make it fully functional with regard to infrastructure, equipment within shortest of possible time.

Meanwhile, the Administrator AHJ brought to the notice of the Advisor the pending issues of DPC of many employees of GMC and Associated Hospitals, the completion of pending enquiry of OPG held in past, selection and appointment against 300 Class IV posts, the pending licence of Eye Bank and many more alike. The Advisor assured that the matters shall be expedited as early as possible.


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