7 Amazing Benefits of Milk Thistle: For Strong Immunity & Better Digestion


Milk thistle, or more commonly known as “silymarin” is a herb native to the Mediterranean countries. It has been in use for the past 2000 years. The most common benefit that it provides is related liver disorders. It increases the production of bile and therefore, eases constipation in individuals who are vulnerable to it. Many studies have also shown that milk thistle helps to lower the levels of cholesterol in the body thus improving the functioning of the heart. Just like most herbs, the benefits of milk thistle can be witnessed only after a few months of consuming it regularly.Some people apply milk thistle directly to the skin for skin toxicity caused by radiation.
People use milk thistle intravenously (by IV) for Amanita phalloides (death cap) mushroom poisoning.Milk thistle is also taken by mouth for heartburn (dyspepsia), inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis), enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia), a blood disorder called beta-thalassemia, and infertility.Milk thistle is taken by mouth most often for liver disorders, including liver damage caused by chemicals, alcohol, and chemotherapy, as well as liver damage caused by Amanita phalloides (death cap) mushroom poisoning, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, chronic inflammatory liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and chronic hepatitis.
In foods, milk thistle leaves and flowers are eaten as a vegetable for salads and a substitute for spinach. The seeds are roasted for use as a coffee substitute.
Don’t confuse milk thistle with blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus).
It is interesting to know that apart from providing many health benefits, milk thistle is also aesthetically pleasing to look at. Its an unusually tall plant, approximately 2 meters and is accompanied with purple colored flowers. This makes the herb easily identifiable too. The plant gets its name from a milky-white fluid that is found in its leaves when they are crushed. The seeds and leaves of milk thistle can be consumed in as an extract, tea or in powdered form. The seeds can be eaten raw too. We give you eight reasons to make milk thistle a part of your health regime.
1. An antioxidant: Ayurveda expert Dr. Vikram suggests that milk thistle acts like an antioxidant. It must be consumed orally and eating it helps to nourish and rejuvenate dead cells.
2. Prevents piles: Hemorrhoid is a problem that a lot of people are battling and this is where milk thistle comes to the rescue. Piles are swollen varicosities that usually emerge in the anal area. Consuming milk thistle provides relief to the swelling and thus gives comfort.
3. Eases hangovers: Studies also suggest that the cure to a full swinging hangover is to add milk thistle herbs to tea in order to hydrate yourself and flush out all the toxins.
4. Improves skin: As an antioxidant, milk thistle is wonderful for the skin. It provides a natural glow and makes the skin look fuller and healthier. It has the ability to replenish dead cells and therefore, adds radiance. By preventing free radicals in the body and improving digestion, it helps to clear the skin of all sorts of eruptions.
5. Strengthens immunity: The intake of milk thistle on a regular basis is known to improve your immunity and the body becomes better abled to fight off infections and diseases. With a strong immune system, the body can restore normalcy at a more rapid pace.
6. Facilitates digestion: Due to improper eating habits, stomach issues like gas, bloating and indigestion often arise. The seeds and leaves of this natural herb can be consumed on an empty stomach before your meals for best results. Milk thistle is known to draw out the toxins from your body.
7. Prevents premature ageing: Milk thistle hinders signs of premature ageing to a great extent. Regular consumption of milk thistle helps prevents the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots and discoloration.
While a number of scientists are still in the process of discovering areas where milk thistle has left its mark, the study is an ongoing process.
All said and done, it is always better to rely on ancient herbs like these that are natural, easily available and less harmful to the human body.


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