7 things that can help you ease migraine pain


A study of triggers of migraine in Indians was done in PGI, Lucknow. The study found out that migraine triggers were present in 160 Indians (87.9 per cent) out of 182 patients that were studied. The migraine triggers included emotional stress in 70 per cent, fasting in 46.3 per cent, physical exhaustion or travelling in 52.5 per cent, sleep deprivation in 44.4 per cent, menstruation in 12.8 per cent, and weather changes in 10.1 per cent patients. Multiple triggers more than two were present in 34.4 per cent patients.
There are many reasons for migraine attacks listed above. However one has to find out what triggers their migraines. This could vary from time to time and factor to factor. Also, it is very frustrating when some factor may cause you migraine one day and on another day the same thing may not give you any migraine.
Dr Neelesh Gupta, Consultant, Neurology, Nayati Medicity, Mathura shares some dos and don’ts to help you fight the triggers of migraines:
Don’t Stress
Stress is the biggest factor in Indians that cause migraines. Living in high paced society, there are many stresses that one has to undergo on a day to day basis.
Do light exercises
To overcome stress one must do light exercises like yoga, meditation, a jog or walk in the park in the morning. Playing with your children in the morning can relieve you of the stress too.
Don’t skip meals
Skipping meals can be one of the reasons for migraines. There are times due to busy schedule one misses their meals, however, they don’t realise that is one of the common reason for the migraines. Do eat nutritious food rich in Omega 3. Omega 3 rich diet can help in lowering the triggers of migraines. Salmon, flaxseed, olive oil and walnuts are high in omega-3.
Don’t overexert while travelling
Travel can be hectic for people. There are quite a few who travel round the clock for work and can be at receiving the end of migraine.
Do Keep Hydrated
While travelling once must keep hydrated. Dehydration is one of the major triggers of migraines. One must drink 2 litres of water every day. Especially while travelling drinking water becomes essential to manage migraine triggers.
Do take restful sleep every day
According to the National Sleep Foundation, recommended sleep range for an adult is 7-10 hours of sleep. Like good diet and exercise, sleep is a critical component to overall health and managing your migraine triggers.
Don’t have a hormonal imbalance
Hormonal imbalance is due to many factors such as obesity, stress, eating disorder, medications and other varied medical conditions. They can trigger migraines in women especially. One has to maintain a healthy weight and eat nutritious food to fight the hormonal imbalance.


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