A Vedic step towards a completely healthy India Silver Jubilee Festival of Lajpat Rai Mehra Neurotherapy Research and Training Institute, Mohali concluded


New Delhi , Feb 2
The incomparable contribution made by the institute in the field of alternative therapy and Vedic medicine in the last 25 years was remembered by neurotherapists from all over the country in the form of a Silver Jubilee Festival-program from 24 to 26 January 2025 at Jammu Yatri Bhawan, Haridwar Uttarakhand and the resolution was reiterated that “Our aim is to establish Vedic medicine and neurotherapy in a scientific way and to get it recognized at the global level.” It was hoped that it would prove to be an important step for the new generation of neurotherapists. 380 delegates/experts from 22 states of the country associated with various universities and medical institutions participated in this program and out of these 30 participants presented their research papers and one of the best research papers was also honored with the “Dr.  Nirmala  Ashok Bhatija” award.  Describing the Neurotherapy treatment system as a strong foundation of human health and the country’s economy, National Organization Minister of Rashtriya Seva Bharti, Sudhir ji, in his presidential address said, “Neurotherapy not only provides painless treatment, but it is also making a significant contribution to the country’s economy. This treatment system has emerged as a ray of hope for those who have lost hope from incurable diseases.” He told that Seva Bharti started the Neurotherapy project in the year 2000, which has now spread in India and abroad under his guidance. Currently, more than 10,000 neurotherapists are working across the country, where about four lakh patients are taking advantage of this treatment system every year. According to Institute Head and Neurotherapy Expert Ram Gopal Parihar, “Through this method, the patient’s diseases are treated without giving him any kind of medicine. There are about 85 such points on the body on which the blood flow is accelerated by applying the prescribed pressure according to the disease.  By doing this, the blood supply to the organ or gland is made smooth. The lack of proper blood supply to the organs and glands is the cause of most diseases. By controlling blood circulation through this method, various types of diseases are diagnosed. Glands are stimulated by applying pressure at a particular place on the leg and thigh. In neurotherapy, while children are treated with hand pressure, therapists give pressure/treatment to adults through their feet.”On this occasion, Dr. Krishna Dwivedi, S Vyas University, Bangalore, said, “I am surprised to see the projects presented by the delegates in this convention and their results. This method of treatment is very effective, low cost and provides immediate relief.  It is beyond comprehension why sufficient research and publication work has not been done on this till now.” He also expressed hope that the world will get new solutions in the field of health through in-depth research and effective promotion of Vedic medicine. Praising the enthusiastic positive results of Indian Vedic medicine systems, especially Neurotherapy, he said, “It is very important to bring this Indian Vedic medicine system in front of the world. Through research, it will be able to perform even better. Our institute and university have been working on such systems for many years and we will help in designing research for collaborative projects in this direction.” In this Silver Jubilee Mahotsav program, Rashtriya Seva Bharati’s Sudhir ji, National Organization Minister; Dr. Kamlesh and N, Vice Chancellor Gandhinagar University; Dr. Krishna Dwivedi S Vyas University, Dr. Anil Jogi, Dean, Yoga-Naturopathy Madhav University, Ajay Gandhi specially participated and encouraged the coming young generation.


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