Aarogya Setu safest app in World: Rekha


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, May, 19
Rekha Mahajan Secretary BJP Jammu &Kashmir in order to deal with corona crisis and Stay Safe inspired others to download the Aaroyga Setu App to combat the Pandemic. She emphasized on the importance of downloading the Aaroygya Setu App which help in self assessment and provides surveillance of Covid -19 cases. Aarogya Setu means “A Bridge of Health”. This is an android and IOS app which is a corona virus tracking app that uses data provided by users. Aarogya Setu makes use of GPS and Bluetooth to determine if a person is near or has been in contact with a Corona virus-infected person.
She said that this app is designed to help control the spread of corona virus and make its information accessible to the common people. Using a phone’s Bluetooth and location data, Aarogya Setu lets users know if they have been near a person with Covid-19 by scanning a database of known cases of infection The data is then shared with the government.
She also awarded people that if they have met someone in the last two weeks who has tested positive, the app calculates the risk of infection based on how recent it was and proximity, and recommends measures. While your name and number won’t be made public, the app does collect this information, as well as gender, travel history and whether you’re a smoker. But User’s data in the app is completely secure. In case of normal people, it delete the data from the server after 30 days. In case of a corona-infected patient, the limit to remove the data is 60 days. She also said that do not fell into prey of misinformation campaign spread by few regarding the app. The app never reveals your personal identity to anyone and the identity of patients is also not shared with public and the government used the information on the application only for administering Covid related health interventions and not for any other purpose .This application has been designed with privacy concerns in mind and is safest in the world.
She said that Aaroyga Setu has 9.8 crore active users of which 13,000 have been found Covid positive. Further she appealed to the public in general to download this app without any apprehension. She herself has been Instrumental in getting this app downloaded to more than 1000 persons


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