ABVP CUJ announces new unit for the session 2021-22


Shadow Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 23:
Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) announces Central University of Jammu unit today for the year 2021-22.Shubham Raina is announced as the President and Anubhav Sharma as the Secretary of the unit.
Navjot Jasrotia, Rohit Sen and Kanav Rasgotra are Vice-Presidents and Abhigya Singh, Nikhil, Happy Sharma and Vishav are announced as Joint Secretary of the unit.
Sonu as Student for Seva incharge, Anjali and Bhanu as Student for Development Incharge& Co-Incharge respectively. Kanav and Mayank as Media and Social Media Incharge respectively.
Pavan Pandey as Study Circle Incharge, Kashish Mahajan as Rasthriya Kala Manch Incharge, Vishal Sharma as Shodh Pramukh.
Sufyan Sheikh, Ajay Dev, Rishab Kath, Anjana, Palak, Shivam, Neeraj as Department incharges.
Lavanya, Koshika, Aastha, Ayushi, Shally, Satya, Om, Poonam, Sachin, Berkha, Geetika, Anisha, Ganesh, Shivali, Tania, Arjun, Badar, Pallavi, Vaishali, Balvinder and Deepak as Executive Members.
On that ocassion ABVP Central Working Committee Member Muskaan Anand remains mainly present.


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