ABVP demands a systematic approach be developed for declaration of Results timely in JU


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Aug, 22
Today a protest demonstration was organised by ABVP at Jammu University led by Deepak Gupta, Ravail Parihar , PiyushKhajuria and YCET students against the delay in result declaration by the Controller Examination Jammu University. Students marched from fountain to controller office and latergherav the COE office for their genuine demands later on a delegation met Prof. Kulwant Singh before whom the demands were put forward. While raising the demands of students deepak said that the Engineering students have appeared in examination last month at MIET college where case of Mass Copy was registered by Jammu University and Exam of 8th Semester B.E was re conducted in which they re appeared and another mass copying issue was made. Students raised their issue that they had to appear two times in the same exam although they were not at fault, but yet again their result is kept with held and not been declared to which COE mentioned that the result shall be declared by today evening and those students on whom the case was made shall be charged under Unfair Means.
Students raised issues that if the students are not at fault for the case then why they have to suffer to the issue. They said they are ready to face any court for justifying their case for not being involved in copying and the university is making a generic statement of everyone being involved in the case.
While adressing the media deepak said that if the students are not at fault and the MIET college and controller examination is at fault for the case of mass copying the administration of MIET should be issues strict warning and stern action must be taken against the MIET college at large for being involved in mass copying which is a very heneous offence as per the information by jammu university.
Secondly Ravail Parihar highlighted the issue of delay in results of re evaluation for 6th semester, 2nd semester and others due to which the students have not been able to get admission under JUET , he said the students are not at fault for delay in results of re evaluation then why they are not granted equal opportunity to get admission in jammu university. He said that admission must be given to such students who happen to fulfill the merit after the declaration of results of re evaluation or the university has to face the consequences.


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