Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya are back from the Cannes Film Festival after wooing France with their angelic looks. While the two were killing it in France, Abhishek Bachchan had shared their first Cannes memory on Instagram where the couple had walked the red carpet together in white. Ash and Abhishek have been married for a decade now and have starred in several films together like ‘Guru’, ‘Umrao Jaan’, ‘Raavan’ and ‘Kuch Na Kaho’.
In an interaction, Aishwarya said that she would love for her daughter to style her, and when the former Miss World was asked about her favourite actor, the diva reportedly named her hubby Abhishek.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan undoubtedly stole the show as she recently made her 17th appearance at the Cannes Film Festival 2018. Her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan too accompanied her beautiful mommy at the much-awaited film event.
Earlier in a conversation with a daily, the ‘Fanne Khan’ actress spoke about how people’s opinions on her fashion sense don’t affect her. She professed that according to her, “shringaar” (dressing up) has been a part of every women’s being. She said that dressing up is, therefore, an individual choice and that people should cease to judge each other on the basis of that.
She further added that being a celebrity, she’s aware that both, praise as well as criticism, will come her way and that’s exactly why she doesn’t disrespect it. However, she did mention that such comments don’t spear through her heart.
On the work front, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has some interesting projects lined up. The ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’ actor will be next seen alongside Anil Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao in ‘Fanne Khan’.
Moreover, on being approached for a movie titled ‘Jasmine’, Aish reportedly averred that post the narration of ‘Jasmine’, she requested the team to make some amendments. She plans to make a decision once that process is completed. She also added that ‘Woh Kaun Thi’ and ‘Raat Aur Din’ remakes are fabulous ideas. And once she is back to the grind, post her Cannes appearance, she is likely to sit down with the makers and understand the making of the remakes, and only then she can officially agree to anything.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan isn’t that active on social media considering that she didn’t have an Instagram account until now. Just prior to heading to the Cannes Film Festival 2018, where Aishwarya is to mark her 17th appearance, she joined the Instagram world. Her PR team confirmed her debut on the social media platform.
As per reports, her representatives even posted a screenshot of the actress’ official account on their Instagram page with the caption “Official Instagram handle of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan announced –”
While this did sound delightful news across fans, it didn’t quite turn up well for her team. And it was mainly because; the response of an actor of her stature has been comparatively subtle. And if the reports are to be believed, Aishwarya seems to be disappointed too.
A daily quoted a source saying that the ‘Fanne Khan’ actor is upset with the way her social media debut happened. This is not what she expected. In 6 hours her profile has not even crossed 20,000 followers, which is very unlikely, given her popularity. Moreover, she is even astounded by the fact that her account hasn’t got the Instagram verified blue tick yet. And that has also got the fans questioning the authenticity of the profile.
Moreover, reports also suggest that it took a lot of convincing for the actor to come on Instagram and that’s why Aish has rational reasons to blast on her team. It’ s apparent that her account couldn’t even cross 18 K followers even after six hours of going live on May 11. It currently stands at 52.3K, however, it can’t be considered a great number considering her fan following.