Actor-director Ajay Devgn will be next seen in an urban comedy written by Luv Ranjan. The 47-year-old actor is all set to star in contemporary romcom, also produced by Ranjan, after a spell of action films and out-and-out comedies.
The actor will be seen in an all-new avatar that will resonate with today’s youth. Talking about Devgn’s character, Ranjan said in a statement, “The way I see it, it’s the side of Ajay that comes most naturally to him. His uber-cool personality in real life has seldom been explored. There is a subtlety in his humour that blends perfectly with my writing.”
The film, which will have a quirky take on urban relationships, will be helmed by editor of the upcoming film ‘Jagga Jasoos’, Akiv Ali, marking his directorial debut.
Ali and Devgn have previously worked in ‘Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai’ (2010). Devgn was last seen in ‘Shivaay’, which was also directed by the actor.