Alia Bhatt has started shooting for her action-drama film Alpha and completed its first schedule. The actress recently returned from Kashmir, and a video of her strenuous workout has since gone viral. In the video, Alia is seen setting impressive fitness goals in order to prepare for her role. Fans couldn’t stop admiring her toned physique. The video was posted by Alia Bhatt’s fitness trainer. In the video, she is seen working out. Many followers left fire emojis in the comments section. Alia Bhatt took to Instagram last Friday to share a photo of herself with Sharvari. In the photograph, both women are standing with their backs to the camera, forming a heart shape with their arms up. They looked to be present in a picturesque outdoor setting, with a hazy, forested backdrop and a rushing river. The caption said, “Love, Alpha!”Alia Bhatt recently shared a video from the sets of Alpha. In a recent interview with IANS, Sharvari highlighted her excitement about the forthcoming schedule of the film and said, “I can’t wait to be back on the sets of Alpha and to shoot in Kashmir! It’s going to be an incredibly exciting schedule. The Alpha team is reuniting after some time, and we’re all eager to dive into the Kashmir schedule.”