All J&K Contractual lecturers (10+2) Forum Hunger strike : 724th days


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Feb, 07
Today on account of accomplish of the 724th days of Chain hunger strike of the 10+2 contractual lecturers again raise their hands together in order to fulfillment of their demand of regularization.
In this protest demonstration the contractual lecturers from each and every nook and corner of Jammu and Kashmir participated . The contractual lecturers from Kashmir division reached Jammu late night to join the protest demonstration. The protesters were raising only one demand that is regularization. The regularization should be given to them by including in any of the SRO’s or by framing new SRO.
While addressing the media person Mr. Arun Bakhshi state President of the association said that we have been struggling here on chain hunger strike for last 675 days but initially during the regime of political govt. Nobody paid any attention towards we people not even heard us.
He also said that govt. has already regularized so many ad-hoc/ contractual /consolidated/ Academic arrangement employees by passing legislature like Civil services special provision act. 2010, policy for ad-hoc employees 1989, migrants vacancies and SRO. 520 for daily wagers, need based etc. Only 10+2 contractual lecturers have been denied till date. Govt has already regularized the doctors, language instructor, range officers, information officers, teachers, college lecturers and even orderlies but nobody heard of us and we have been denied their right to regularization only. After the collapse of Assembly and Governor rule in J&K state come in force and in Governor rule.
The Hon’ble Governor as well as Advisor heard we very patiently and assured us that our services will be regularised by including us any one of the SRO’.
Mr. Arun Bakhshi again appealed the Governor as well as Advisor concerned Janab K.A. Ganai to take up the matter in the forthcoming SAC to fulfill their promise with us by resolving the matter of our regularization.
One of the representative from Kashmir division also spoke on the occasion and said that they have rendered their services in far off services on a meager salaries even their remained turmail in Kashmir division for the last so many years and people have suffered a lot especially 10+2 contractual lecturers. They have given their lives in such a situation for the betterment of the students by rendering their best services.
At last Mr. Arun Bakhshi again appealed to Hon’ble Governor our services may kindly be regularised in any one of the SRO’s or by framing new SRO. He also appealed the Governor as well as Advisior K.A.Ganai that till the case for regularization is settled, all the contractual lecturers working till date may kindly be allowed to continue and those whose services stand discontinued also may kindly be engaged/continued and in future this process of new selection shall not be made as already directed by Advisior K.A.Ganai.
On rotational Chain hunger strike are: Pooja slathia, Payal rajput, firdose ahmed tantry and mohd Iqbal.


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