Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Mar 02:
Sahib Bandagi’s Sadguru Madhuparamhans Ji Maharaj, while delighting the congregation with the nectar of his discourses today at Sungal Road Akhnoor, said that all the religions of the world accept one thing that the soul is immortal. All the religions of the world also believe in heaven and hell. If someone stubbornly says that we do not believe, then there is no remedy for it.
A Chaudhary of Delhi announced that whoever explains the eighteenth chapter of the Gita to me, I will donate a cow to him. The cow gives 10 kg of milk. His wife said that you do not do any work, I raise the children by selling this milk. Someone will come and explain the eighteenth chapter and take away the cow. He said that no one will be able to explain. The wife said that there are great scholars, someone will explain it. He said, you fool, keep quiet. I will say that you did not understand at all.
If this is the case then it is a different matter. Otherwise all the religions of the world believe unanimously, they also believe in heaven and hell. There was a king. He lived in his own pleasure. Sahib thought that he has to give him knowledge. Sahib made him visit hell.
You see that in dreams some people laugh, some cry, some get scared. Although it is a dream. But such is the play of situations that at that time everyone believes it to be true. The pain of hell is also like a dream. But at that time that pain is felt. At that time the messengers of death were putting the man in the crusher. Just like farmers put sugarcane in the crusher. These are not stories. This is the truth. That is why all religions have said. Just like one sees a dream, similarly this condition is also like a dream. All the saints have confirmed this. Just like a dream, so is the world. Neither the dream is true nor this world. Just like a man eats carrots and radishes, similarly the messengers of death were eating the man there. Some were being put in a pitcher and were being beaten from above. There are seven pitchers in hell. Seven Kumbhi is hell.
There is mud in one pot, blood in another, excreta in another, pus in another, urine in another and fire in another. Sinners are thrown in them. If one raises his neck, he is hit with a hammer from above and is thrown down. Just think what kind of tortures are there. Seeing all this, the king became restless. You see in the world. Humans also give strange tortures. Uganda’s President Idi Amin used to make people stand at crossroads and get them beaten with hammers until they died. Look at Hitler. He beat the Jews very badly.
This is how the pains of hell are. There are very deep pots. The king became very sad after seeing this. The one who gives false testimony, the snake stings his tongue. The one who kills someone without any fault, he gets a very big hell. The man and woman who love someone other than their husband and wife, they have to embrace the man like hot iron. Some goons scare others and walk away. Don’t do this. It is a sin. Crows and vultures are set free on them. They peck at them alive. Alcohol is always forbidden. Those who consume alcohol are punished. This is the path to destruction.
Hot oil is made to drink. Those who harass devotees and saints, their entire body is afflicted with leprosy. Their entire body parts burn. Seeing all this, the king requested the Sahib to save him. Sin is forbidden in all religions. You see the Nirbhaya incident. How brutally she was killed. The kind of deeds this man is doing. The person who tells a lie gets the biggest punishment. The Sahib is clearly saying that there is no sin equal to lying. You should never take money from others. But don’t go towards women. Ravana lost his ten heads because of women. You should avoid the tortures of hell.