Actor Ileana D’Cruz is all set to make her comeback to Telugu cinema with Amar Akbar Antony (AAA). The Sreenu Vaitla directorial is set to hit the theaters on November 16.Ileana has also dubbed for her role in Amar Akbar Antony. This is the first time she has dubbed for a Telugu film. The actor completed the dubbing in just four days.Although Ileana D’Cruz made her Tollywood debut with 2006 film Devadasu under the direction of YVS Chowdary, in her 12-year long career, she never lent her voice to any of her Telugu movies.Ileana was last seen in 2012 movie Devudu Chesina Manushulu. Interestingly, Devudu Chesina Manushulu too starred Ravi Teja in the lead role.Presently, Amar Akbar Antony is in its post-production phase. According to a tweet from music composer Thaman, the team has completed the work on its background score.