Amla to the rescue: This vitamin-C-rich fruit can give you clear skin & lustrous hair


Amla or Indian gooseberry is considered a divine fruit in Hindu philosophy. It was used to provide effective treatment to various lifestyle diseases in the ancient Indian medicinal practice of Ayurveda.Amla, also known as the fruit of immortality, is believed to be nature’s boon to revitalize potency, longevity, increasing immunity and strengthening of bones, and aiding weight loss. Amla, which is packed with a lot of nutrients, polyphenols, iron, vitamins, and minerals, is available in vegetable markets mainly in winters.“Whether you eat it, drink it or apply it, the fruit can be immensely beneficial in any form. Regular consumption of amla can tighten your skin, lighten the complexion, treat acne, make your hair shiny and dandruff- free, and delay the effects of premature ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots by boosting the regeneration of healthy new cells,” says beauty icon Shahnaz Husain.
It is said that the vitamin C content in amla is so stable that it is even beneficial when cooked. Modern scientific research has revealed that amla contains 1,700 mg of vitamin C per 100g. Widely grown in India, the berries can be eaten raw or made into pickles and murabba. Amla juice, added to a glass of water, can work wonders.The oil extracted from the berry has been used since the ancient times to control hair loss and restore health to the hair. Oil of amla is an important ingredient in Ayurvedic treatments, as well as hair oils, hair tonics, shampoos, and conditioners.A massage with oils containing amla extracts is said to be extremely beneficial, as it stimulates the follicles. It also clears away dandruff flakes, unclogs the pores of the scalp and restores health to the scalp.
Add amla to henna for healthy hair
It is said to keep graying in check, you can have the juice of one raw amla daily, after adding it to a glass of water. You can also add amla to henna powder, for healthy, conditioned, and glossy hair. Soak a handful of dry amla in about two to three cups of water overnight. The next morning, strain the water but do not throw it away. Grind the soaked amla and add henna powder to it. Then, add 4 teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, two raw eggs, two teaspoons oil, and enough amla water and mix it into a thick paste. Let the paste sit for two to three hours and then apply it on the hair. Make sure you apply it evenly so that your head is covered. Keep it on for at least two hours and then wash it off with plain water.
Fresh amla juice
Regular intake of amla juice purifies the blood and fights toxins, and leaves you with flawlessly radiant skin. Daily intake of fresh amla juice with honey serves as a great beverage and makes your skin complexion brighter and lighter. It also helps to get rid of acne and pimples. Regular intake of amla juice also delays the effects of premature ageing and helps to maintain youthfulness and vitality for a long time.“Apply amla juice on your face and outer skin with a cotton pad and wash it off after 15 minutes with fresh water. It will help to improve your skin complexion. Close your eyes while doing so,” Husain explained.


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