Anti-Ageing Herbs: 8 Ayurveda Herbs To Slow Down Ageing


Ageing is an inevitable; it involves the changes in a person with physical, psychological, mental and social change. Wrinkled skin, greying hair and macular degeneration are a few symptoms of ageing. While one cannot avoid these changes, but can definitely delay them through medications, natural kitchen ingredients or Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurveda is known to be the art of daily living in harmony and laws of nature. It is an ancient natural wisdom of health and healing. Ayurvedic treatment for an ailment is focused on three doshas of a person – vata dosha, kapha dosha and pitta dosha. It believes in maintaining a perfect balance among these three aspects, which is the secret to staying youthful and healthy.The process of degenerating cells as you grow old is known as ageing. Ayurveda suggests herbs that can help reduce the symptoms of ageing by regenerating body cells. Most of the herbs have various antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cell damaging free radicals in the body. According to Ayurveda expert from NirogStreet, Ram N Kumar, “Rasayana (rejuvenation) branch of Ayurveda specifically deals with ageing and its effects. As ageing is a degenerative and palliative phase and process, Rasayana checks its pace and impact substantially, resulting in slow down. Rasayana treatment is advised to people who are 35 years old and more.”
Here are some of the herbs suggested by Ram N Kumar that you can include in your diet in order to delay ageing.
1. Guduchi
Guduchi, or Giloy, is known to revive our skin tissues and resolve inflamed skin conditions by its anti-inflammatory properties. Guduchi is responsible for promoting mental clarity and enhance our immune system.
2. Guggulu
Guggulu is a powerful and potent herb that is derived from the flowering tree Mukul Myrrh. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in combating various diseases and inhibit the growth of free radicals in the body.
3. Brahmi
Brahmi, or Bacopa, is a memory enhancer, especially useful for those who may be suffering from age-related memory loss. It is believed to have refreshing effects on your brain.
4. Amalaki
Amalaki, or Amla, is an excellent source of Vitamin-C and antioxidants that help your body fight various diseases. Also, it helps you keep safe from age-related macular degeneration and Cataract.
5. Turmeric
The compound curcumin in Turmeric has shown to possess a powerful anti-ageing effect. It has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that help keep diseases at bay.
6. Ginseng
Ginseng contains a lot of phytochemicals that help stimulate and activate skin’s metabolism. These phytochemicals also help you get rid of free radicals that get accumulated when your skin is exposed to pollution and sunlight.
7. Gotu-kola
Gotu kola is rich in flavonoids with antioxidant activity that helps protect the skin and body making it an extremely essential anti-ageing herb.
8. Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha helps in rapid cell regeneration and rejuvenation that in turn helps in delaying signs of ageing, especially pertaining to the skin.


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