Anushka Sharma never feels ‘settled or happy’ with self


Imperfections and incompleteness are a part of life, something that Anushka Sharma is quite aware of and that is why the actor says she prefers to stay grounded and focus on work.Currently at the top of her game, Anushka says she never feels settled or happy as she believes reinvention is key to one’s success.She says human beings are “incomplete” souls in life who “try to complete things, either by filling the void with work or relationships.””We all are flawed human beings, going about with our lives. I have had a very good life. I have managed to do a lot of things very early on in my life and I am very proud of it. I have always been aware that I am a work in progress. I am someone who has to constantly keep changing and reinventing. It is very easy to feel that way (settled) in a profession because it is easy for people around you to make you feel that way. I have always made sure people around me are real and represent things to me correctly.


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