Apple terms researcher’s iPhone hack technique as ‘incorrect’


Secently, one of the researchers named Matthew Hickey claimed that he could brute force and iPhone device running iOS 11 and unlock it without any need of the owner. It was said that once the iOS 11-running device is plugged in, the keyboard input has precedence over the passcode limit feature, something that allowed him to design a method to brute force it. But now, Apple has replied saying that the method used was incorrect and that the users’ iPhones are still safe. Apple, disputing claims, replied to Apple Insider saying that “The recent report about a passcode bypass on iPhone was in error, and a result of incorrect testing.” Surprisingly, the post is supported by the researcher himself on Twitter, who said that the supposed hack might not have a 100% success rate. “It seems @i0n1c maybe right, the pins don’t always go to the SEP in some instances (due to pocket dialing / overly fast inputs) so although it ‘looks’ like pins are being tested they aren’t always sent and so they don’t count, the devices register less counts than visible,” he tweeted.
It is worth adding that none of the third-party websites or firms have not been able to replicate the hack discovered by Hickey.
Before Apple’s statement, the researcher added that exploiting the hack, someone can use all the possible combinations from 0000 to 9999 or 000000 to 999999 as one consecutive string without spaces and might be able to get through.
Even if there is a slightest possibility for a hacker to get through, we hope Apple fixes it with the final version of iOS 12. The particular OS version for iPhone and iPad is in beta for now and the non-developer version will arrive later this year, likely few days after the new iPhones arrive.


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