Arjun Kapoor and Rakulpreet Singh starrer cross-border love story titled, ‘Sardar & Grandson’ is all set for its release. But according to the reports, the filmmakers are opting for OTT premieres in order to avoid its release in cinemas. The makers have finalized a profitable deal with streaming giant Netflix and the platform is all set to release the film in January 2021. If believed in the reports then, makers don’t want to release the film in the cinema halls due to the current situation when cinemas are running with only 50% capacity.According to a close source to the film told a leading tabloid, “The makers want to play it safe because the budget of this film is around 30 crore which is higher than ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’. Nikkhil Advani, John Abraham and Bhushan Kumar who have jointly produced this film have decided to release it on OTT because that gives them the better return of investment.” The source further added, “However, with OTT premiere the producers have received a fixed amount eliminating the chances of losses with a theatrical release. They have sold this film at a price that not only recovers the investment but also makes a good profit which is doubtful with a big-screen release in the current situation when cinemas are running with only 50% capacity.” More about the Sardar and Grandson, the film is a drama genre in which Arjun Kapoor’s character’s grandmother is played by Neena Gupta who also acts as the narrator of the film. Apart from her, Kawaljeet Singh will portray the role of Arjun’s father and Kumud Mishra as Pakistani Mayor. In the film, John Abraham and Aditi Rao Hydari will feature in a cameo role as Arjun’s grandparents. Sardar and Grandson is the directorial debut of Kaashvie Nair, who has worked hard on the film although the film was earlier interrupted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.