Armaan Malik and Aashna Shroff have tied the knot in a dreamy wedding ceremony that has left fans swooning. The couple, recently took to social media to share their first photos, were showered with love and congratulations from fans and celebrities. The wedding was an intimate ceremony attended by close family and friends. Taking to their social media, Armaan Malik and Aashna Shroff shared photos and wrote, “Tu hi mera Ghar.” Aashna, radiant as ever, wore a delicate, intricately designed lehenga by Manish Malhotra, complemented by exquisite jewelry from the same designer, adding a subtle yet striking touch to her ensemble. Armaan, equally stylish, was dressed in a bespoke Manish Malhotra outfit that perfectly complemented Aashna’s, creating a harmonious and elegant look. Together, they looked like the perfect couple, their outfits reflecting their individuality and shared love.The wedding was a beautiful coming together of two worlds—music and fashion—that reflect who Armaan and Aashna are as individuals and as a couple. Armaan stood by Aashna’s side, his love and admiration shining through in every moment, as they exchanged vows in a deeply personal ceremony. The couple shared seven heartfelt vows, each representing the seven beautiful years they’ve spent together, rooted in trust, respect, and shared dreams. This sacred moment was followed by the traditional varmala, symbolizing their lifelong bond.