Army organises Friendly Volley Ball Match at Palma


Sports & Allied News
JAMMU, Apr 09:
Indian Army organised a “Friendly Volleyball Match” with the youth of Palma in Rajouri district at Youth Centre, Palma. The Volleyball team of the Army unit played the exciting match with the team of youth from Palma town.
The match was conducted to encourage the youth for physical fitness, develop sportsmanship spirit and to provide a platform to thebudding talent in sports to display their potential.
At the end of the match the participants and spectators were educated about their Right to Vote and participation of all in the Parliamentary Elections 2019 scheduled in the state. The entire gathering was reassured about the Army’s commitment towards ensuring safe and conducive environment for democratic process.
The initiative was greatly appreciated by all participants and spectators. The locals also took pledged to participate in the voting to strengthen the institution of democracy.


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