Asian Weighlifting: Jeremy Lalrinnunga smashes Youth World record, national senior record


Youth Olympics gold medallist Jeremy Lalrinnunga went on a record-smashing spree, claiming three world marks in a power-packed performance, to secure second place in his group at the Asian Weightlifting Championship in Ningbo on Sunday.
In a remarkable performance, the 16-year-old Jeremy, who is competing in group B of the 67Kg men’s event, smashed the Youth World and Asian records in snatch, clean and jerk and total lift with an effort of 297kg (134kg+163kg) to be placed second in his group behind Pakistan’s Talha Talib, who lifted 304kg (140kg+164kg).
The final standings for the men’s 67kg event will be known after group A competition on Monday.
Jeremy, in fact, broke 15 records in total, combining national and international marks. He smashed six international records — three youth world and three youth Asian — and nine national records — three youth national, three junior national and three senior national. The Mizoram weightlifter pulled off clean lifts in two of his three attempts in snatch (130kg, 134kg) to set a new youth world record. The earlier youth world record was also in Jeremy’s name when he had lifted 131kg in the EGAT Cup in Thailand in February.
Jeremy then lifted more than double his body weight (157kg, 163kg) in two successful attempts in the clean and jerk, and in the process obliterated Kazakhstan weightlifter Saikhan Taisuyev’s youth world record of 161kg.
It was Jeremy’s personal best and 9kg more than his 288kg youth world record effort in the EGAT cup, where he won the silver medal. It was his only second international competition in 67kg after the international federation added this weight category last year for the Olympic Games and other events. Jeremy also smashed the 67kg national senior record in snatch, clean and jerk, and total lift. He smashed his own snatch record of 131kg while he erased Gulam Navi’s clean and jerk record of 160kg to better his own total lift record of 288kg.
The Asian Championships is a gold level Olympic qualifying event, the points from which will be counted when the final rankings for Tokyo 2020 cut are done.
Jeremy had won a gold in the Buenos Aires Youth Olympics in October last year in 62kg category with a total lift of 274kg (124+150).


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