Astroturf | Astro-analysis can surprise


A decade ago, one of the North Eastern states was undergoing political turmoil. Many prominent members in the Cabinet were vying to replace the incumbent Chief Minister. All of them were lobbying with the central leadership, staking their claim. But somehow, consensus was not building up in favour of any one. This tussle was helping the then Chief Minister survive. Meanwhile, someone advised one of the challengers to seek my advice about his prospects.

The person concerned approached me in early March 2007. But he didn’t know his exact birth particulars. So, a horary chart was cast, when he approached me. Based on my finding, I offered my opinion: “Well, change of guard is on the cards. You, though hold the potential to occupy that position sometime later, but do not hold a chance in immediate times. Rest assured, you may occupy the high position after four years. At the moment, you will serve to be a king maker. Better rally around someone else.” The man accompanying the said leader was an astrologer. He asked me for the basis.

Lagna sub-lord Venus, the 10th lord, which also happened to be 11th sub-lord though in exaltation but was in the 8th house. Venus occupied the constellation owned by Mercury, the 11th lord in retrogression and tenanted in the 6th house. The lagna sub-lord, thus, strongly signifying the 11th, 10th and 6th house, suggested that he had the potential to occupy the high office. All the more, because benevolent Jupiter from 4th house (Simhasansthana) extended its aspect to the 10th house and 10th lord. However, the fact that Mercury, the constellation lord of Venus, was in retrograde motion, implied that it did not promise fulfilment of his desires in immediate terms.

Sun, the natural Karaka for the man in power (incumbent Chief Minister) was conjunct Rahu and Uranus, and square to Jupiter. It implied that the one holding charge had lost the favour of central leadership. Also, his fall from power (Rahu conjunct Sun) was imminent.

A few days later another challenger approached me. In his case, too, the horary chart offered similar finding. In this case, Cancer lagna was rising. Saturn, the 7th and 8th lord occupied the lagna, which was detrimental to his interest. Lagna sub-lord was again Venus in exaltation in the 9th house aspected by 6th and 9th lord Jupiter. But Venus occupied the nakshatra owned by Mercury, the 3rd and 12th lord in retrograde motion. 10th sub-lord was again Venus. 11th sub-lord was Mercury in retrogression. In this case also, Sun was in rapt conjunction with Uranus and Rahu and square to Jupiter.

So, once again, I opined that there will be change of guard, but he doesn’t have a chance at that point of time. He could act as a king-maker.

Towards March end came the person who finally succeeded in dislodging the incumbent Chief Minister and occupied the high office. A look at the Ruling Planet chart revealed that Moon was over the head, indicating that the questioner will be in public limelight soon. Being a fast moving planet, the result had to come very soon. But Saturn stood guard, being conjunct Moon. So, it had to create hurdle in the way. But then benevolent Jupiter, and also the 6th lord identified with success over adversary, with its trine aspected mitigated Saturn’s maleficence towards fulfilment of desire. Venus, the Lagna lord and incidentally the lagna sub-lord also, aspected the lagna, which lent strength to the person concerned. Venus occupied the sub of Rahu, which was tenanted in the constellation owned by Jupiter posited in the 2nd house. It extended trine aspect on the Sun posited in the 6th house; as well as Moon and Saturn tenanted in the 10th house. 11th sub-lord Jupiter was in direct motion occupying the constellation owned by Mercury, which again was in direct motion. So, fulfilment of desires was promised. Mercury happened to be the 10th sub-lord identified with position of responsibility, is again a fast moving planet, and so, the result had to come fast.

Sun was at 13 degrees and 48 minutes in Pisces sign. In another 12 days, Sun will move by another 12 degrees when Jupiter will be exactly trine to it. So, I predicted that he may become Chief Minister in another 12 to 15 days. In fact, exactly after 12 days, he was sworn in as chief Minister.


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