Avneet Kaur recently cleared the air about her wedding rumours in a witty way. The actress also confirmed that there’s no wedding happening anytime soon. During an event in town, the actress speak about the same.While interacting with the media, she shared, “Now this one question has been asked so many times, I don’t know why everyone is so worried about my marriage, let me tell you, there is plenty of time in my marriage, so calm down and wait a little longer.”“I personally believe in love marriage, but if I can get my parents’ blessings for a love marriage, it becomes arranged and love marriage, I wish to have something like that, and if I cannot get it, I think I am going to cry alone then,” she added.On the work front, the actress recently starred in Luv Ki Arrange Marriage, which released on Zee5. The film also starred Sunny Singh in the lead role. When asked about her reaction to the script of Luv Ki Arrange Marriage, Avneet Kaur stated, “I thought this movie has a very fresh take on the concept that we’ve already seen many times on screen. Raj sir has always delivered such amazing scripts and stories, and this is one such addition. Even when I saw Dream Girl, I felt it was a very unique story. I wanted to work with him for a very long time and yes, that is also one of the reasons why I said yes and also the reason why I chose this film.”