Ayurvedic Tips to Keep Monsoon Diseases at Bay


In Ayurveda, there are recommendations for maintaining health in each and every seasonHere are some foods to eat and important lifestyle changes that can help you stay away from monsoon diseasesYou may be rejoicing after the onset of monsoon as the hot and dry months of summer are over, but the season also brings with it an increased risk of diseases. Some of the disorders common during monsoon are diarrhoea, indigestion, asthma, arthritis, skin diseases and gastrointestinal infections such as cholera and typhoid. In Ayurveda, there are recommendations for maintaining health in each and every season, which entail the foods to eat and important lifestyle changes to be made in the season.
Ayurvedic Tips to Prevent Diseases in Monsoon
Have more of light foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Since microbial activity increases in the season, always wash these thoroughly to ensure that there are no germs
Limit the consumption of dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese and buttermilk. These are hard to digest in the rainy season
Have more of foods that have a drying nature to counteract the likelihood of water retention in your body. These include chickpea (chana), corn (makka), oats (jow) gram and flour (besan)
Oils that are heavy in nature such as peanut oil, mustard oil and sesame oil should be avoided. They do not digest easily and increase the chances of infection. Corn oil or olive oil can be used as they are light
Avoid fermented and sour foods such as tamarind, chutneys and pickles. They can lead to water retention
Know the digestive ability of your stomach as it is inclined to lessen in the season. You can aid in digestion by having spices such as ginger and garlic
Bitter vegetables such as bitter gourd (karela), and herbal remedies such as neem, turmeric (haldi), and fenugreek (methi) seeds can prevent infections as they are natural anti-biotics
Avoid raw foods such as in salads and uncooked foods. Food from roadside vendors should be forgotten as they are overloaded with bacteria
Drink only boiled water in monsoon to make it germ free. Make sure that the boiled water is consumed within 24 hours as germs can start breeding again
Have lots of warm herbal teas, particularly one made from tulsi (basil) leaves. They are excellent for improving your immunity
Ayurvedic Recommendations for Lifestyle Changes in Monsoon
Perform only light exercises in monsoon. Instead of strenuous workouts with weights, brisk walk and yogic stretching is preferable
Stay away from wet walls if you suffer from asthma or diabetes. Wet walls breed fungus and can lead to infection
Do not let water to accumulate in and around your house as this breeds mosquitoes
Do not sleep after having your lunch as that can complicate problems of indigestion
To keep mosquitoes away, spread the fumes of dried neem leaves in the evening at your home. This would keep diseases such as dengue and malaria away With these tips, you can stay away from diseases that are common in monsoon. The excitement of refreshing wetness that monsoon brings must be enjoyed but not at the expense of ruining your health.


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