Ayurvedic Treatment for Jaundice


Jaundice is caused by an infection which distorts the liver into malfunctioning. It is unable to produce the normal amount of bile needed for maintaining the functions of body cells and tissues. Due to unhealthy body cells and tissues, the skin and more noticeably the white of eyes get a yellow tint. In Ayurvedic treatment of Jaundice, the disease is considered an imbalance of pitta, one of the three body humours. The intestinal region is full of toxins causing the imbalance. These toxins need to be flushed out to restore balance and bring the immune system back to normal.
Apart from Ayurvedic medicines for treating the condition, certain diet precautions and recommendations are also given. Avoidable foods are chocolate, cakes, ice cream, spicy food, alcohol, non-vegetarian food and in general any kind of heavy food. Foods that are recommended as an aid in the curative process are vegetables such as tomatoes and radish, and dry fruits such as dried date, almond and cardamom.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Jaundice
Ghritkumari (Aloe Vera)
Jaundice Berry
Kakmachi (Solanum Nigrum)
Use of gokulkanta plant root is very effective in liver diseases including jaundice. Root of the herb is infused in water to prepare a medicine to be given to the patient 2 or 3 times daily.
One of the best Ayurvedic remedies for jaundice is Turpeth. It is called Nisoth in Ayurveda. This herb is taken in powdered form and taken after mixing with hot water twice daily.
A very effective Ayurvedic medicine for treatment of jaundice is Kamalahar. It is useful for other liver disorders too. It helps in regeneration of hepatic cells. Patients should take 1 to 2 capsules thrice every day. The great thing is that no observable side-effect has been found yet.
Take bitter gourd juice every morning. Extract the juice by mashing the vegetable and pressing with a cloth.
Make a cup of juice with equal proportions of beetroot and lemon. Have this juice for a few days to cure jaundice.
Extract juice from amalaki, the Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) and drink it thrice everyday in teaspoonful quantity. It is a very effective remedy for all types of liver ailments.
Ayurveda for jaundice and other liver conditions has some very potent medicines as well as diet recommendations which are very helpful. The Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice is almost free from any kind of side-effects.Jaundice
Jaundice is a condition where the skin and the whites of the eyes take on a yellow tint. Modern medicine does not consider it to be a disease but a symptom of liver disorders like liver infection, gallstones and cirrhosis of liver. In Ayurveda, Jaundice is known as Kamala. Personalized, root-cause Jaundice treatment has given relief to thousands of patients.
Increased intake of oily, spicy, sour, salty, alkaline, penetrating and very hot foods; alcohol; and sesame oil cause Pitta (Ayurvedic humor representing Fire) aggravation. The aggravated Pitta then impairs the blood and the muscle tissue of the liver, causing blockage in the channels of the liver and thus Pitta (in the form of bile) is thrown back into the blood leading to discoloration of the eyes and skin. Sleeping in the daytime, excessive physical work, overindulgence in sexual activity, suppressing the natural urges of the body, and psychological factors like lust, fear, anger, and stress can also be causative factors in cases of Jaundice. Before beginning Ayurvedic Jaundice treatment, Jiva doctor evaluates all of these causes to provide precise, root-cause treatment.
Drowsiness,Weakness,Fatigue,Yellowish discoloration of the eyes, skin and nail,Flatulence,Lack of appetite,Burning sensation in the fever,Indigestion,Excessive thirst,Loss of libido
Ayurvedic Jaundice Treatment
Ayurvedic Jaundice treatment involves pacifying aggravated body energies using herbs that stimulate the function of the liver and increase the flow of bile in the bile duct. Digestion is also restored with the help of a customized diet plan to ensure efficient metabolism.
Diet & Lifestyle Advice
Avoid hot, spicy, oily, and heavy foods; eat a vegetarian diet.
Avoid refined flour, polished rice (white rice), mustard oil, mustard seeds, asafetida, peas, canned and preserved foods, cakes, pastries, chocolates, alcoholic beverages, and aerated drinks.
Increase intake of whole-wheat flour, brown rice or parboiled rice, mangoes, bananas, tomatoes, spinach, potatoes, Indian gooseberries (amla), grapes, radishes, lemons, dried dates, raisins, almonds, and cardamom.
Avoid unnecessary exercise and stressful conditions such as anxiety or anger.Take complete rest.
Avoid working under the sun or near boilers and furnaces.
Home Remedies
Mix 1 teaspoon of roasted barley powder with a glass of water. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to it and have this twice a day.
Add 1 teaspoon paste of basil leaves to a glassful of radish juice. Have this juice twice a day for 15-20 days.
Take one teaspoon pulp of Indian Aloe Vera with black salt and dry ginger powder every morning for a period of 10 days.
Mash bitter gourd and extract its juice. Take one-fourth cup of the juice in the early morning daily.
Apart from Ayurvedic medicines for treating the condition, certain diet precautions and recommendations are also given. Avoidable foods are chocolate, cakes, ice cream, spicy food, alcohol, non-vegetarian food and in general any kind of heavy food. Foods that are recommended as an aid in the curative process are vegetables such as tomatoes and radish, and dry fruits such as dried date, almond and cardamom.


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