Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis: Options, remedies, and evidence


Ayurveda is an ancient medical practice that people sometimes use to try to help their psoriasis. It involves incorporating a special diet, herbal compounds, and additional supportive medical practices.Ayurveda, also known as Ayurvedic medicine, aims to help a person heal their body, mind, and spirit. The practice originated in India more than 3,000 years ago.
Ayurvedic medicine features treatments that have been used to treat psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition that causes excess and rapid growth of skin cells, leading to plaque-like deposits that build up on the skin.
While Ayurveda may be able to treat psoriasis in some people, its results haven’t been studied in large-scale clinical trials or systematic research reviews.It is these types of research studies that are needed to prove that Ayurvedic treatments are effective. However, until there is more scientific evidence, it is always a good idea for a person with psoriasis to check with their doctor before using any Ayurvedic treatments.
Ayurveda and psoriasis
A person with psoriasis could use special Ayurvedic preparations on their skin.One of the most common topical preparations used to treat psoriasis in Ayurvedic medicine contains turmeric. This is a compound that is derived from a root that is similar to ginger.Often used in cooking, turmeric can also be mixed into a paste that can be applied to the skin.
Meditation and movement
[woman practising breathing exercise pranayama]Pranayama, a breathing exercise, can help people with psoriasis relax and manage stress levels.Ayurveda practitioners emphasize a balance of three elements, which they define as:
a person’s universethe body’s constitution (known as the “prakriti”)
the body’s life forces (known as “dosha”)One of the ways a person may keep these in balance is through taking steps to reduce stress and calm anxiety.Meditation and the practice of “Pranayama,” a method of controlled breathing techniques, may benefit a person in reducing their psoriasis.
Dietary changes
Ayurvedic practices generally revolve around a vegetarian diet. Foods to avoid include those that contain an excess of carbohydrates and products that contain lots of sugar.In addition, Ayurvedic practices suggest a person should avoid foods that are “in the extreme,” such as ones that are too salty, too sour, or too acidic.Ayurveda practitioners recommend that a person “listen” to their body. By responding to urges to urinate or defecate, for example, they will help clear their body of toxins.
Topical solutions
As well as turmeric, there are many other Ayurvedic herbs available, and several could potentially benefit people with psoriasis.
One example is applying fresh banana leaf to areas of skin affected by psoriasis.Additional Ayurvedic herbs that may be used to treat psoriasis include:Aloe vera may be applied as a topical treatment in Ayurvedic.aloe vera,black nightshade,boswellia (frankincense),garlic,guggal,jasmine paste,neemMany types of herbs used to treat inflammation exist in Ayurveda. A person should always ask their doctor before using them in addition to or in place of their current topical treatments.
Baths and moisturizers
Having regular baths are helpful in keeping areas of psoriasis lesions clean and soft. Additionally, baths can be soothing and reduce stress, which may offer further benefits in reducing the incidence of psoriasis.
Applying natural soothing oils, such as coconut or olive oils may help to soften the skin and relieve itching and discomfort associated with psoriasis.
How Ayurveda explains psoriasis
According to an article in the International Journal of Green Pharmacy, Ayurvedic practitioners classify psoriasis as a “kushtha” health condition. This means the condition is a chronic one, which is also “krucchasadhya” (intractable) and “asadhya” (incurable).
Ayurvedic texts say that psoriasis arises due to an imbalance of two “doshas” (areas of energy) known as the “Vata” and “Kapha.”
Vata is responsible for controlling bodily functions, and could cause the dryness and skin scaling associated with psoriasis. Kapha is responsible for body growth and can lead to the itching and rapid skin cell turnover that psoriasis is known for.The energy imbalance causes toxins to build up in a person’s system, leading to inflammation. As a result, Ayurveda treatments often revolve around not only herbal applications, but also diet and lifestyle advice.
There are many Ayurvedic treatments, but they are not widely researched. However, some studies have examined some of the more popular treatments, specifically in regards to psoriasis.Some of the studies that support turmeric as an Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis include:
Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research study
A study published in the Iranian Journal Pharmaceutical Research reported the effects that turmeric gel had on a group of people with mild to moderate psoriasis.
After 9 weeks, the participants were evaluated in terms of skin redness, thickness of lesions, and the size of the lesions.At the study’s conclusion, the researchers found those who applied the turmeric gel experienced less redness, thickness, and scaling than those who had applied a placebo treatment.The study’s authors also reported that there were few side effects associated with the gel’s application.
Clinical Dermatology study
A study published in the journal Clinical Dermatology found that topical applications of the 3-0-Acetyl-11 Keto Beta Boswelic Acid (AKBBA), which is a naturally occurring gum resin from the stem of the Boswellia serrate tree, helped to manage mild to moderate chronic plaque psoriasis.People with psoriasis applied the cream three times a day for 12 weeks. After the 12-week period, researchers reviewed photographs to note changes in psoriasis lesions.
Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research study
A study published in the Indo AmericanPharmaceutical Research reported the effects of a starch-fortified turmeric bath (SFTB), which is a mixture of rice starch and turmeric, in treating psoriasis.A control group participated in therapies, such as massage, yoga, hydrotherapy, and diet therapy. The experimental group used these therapies as well as the SFTB.At the conclusion of the study, the researchers determined that SFTBs reduced the severity of psoriasis as well as the areas of the skin that were affected.
The researchers concluded that SFTBs could be a low-cost complementary therapy in the management of psoriasis.Other studies may have examined the effectiveness of an herb, but may not be specific to psoriasis treatments.


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