BAJ demands action against anti-nationals


Jammu, Feb 20:
J&K High Court Bar Association, Jammu  organized a Press Conference in the premises of J&K High Court, Jammu under the leadership of Mr. B.S. Slathia, Sr. Adv. ( President, JKHCBAJ) , calling upon the Governor & Administration to initiate strict penal action against those anti-national elements who had raised pro-Pakistan & anti-India slogans in Jammu, pre and post Pulwama  terrorist attack. Mr. Slathia stressed that the anti-national sloganeering followed by stone pelting on Jammu people was done  with an intent to flare up communal passions in Jammu at the behest of Kashmir centric politicians and secessionist forces. Mr. Slathia, termed such individuals as internal support structures of terrorism and urged the Prime Minister and Governor to take decisive steps for dismantling the same. Mr. Slathia sought immediate registration of FIRs under relevant provisions of penal laws against these communal, unscrupulous and anti-national elements. The office bearers of JKHCBAJ strongly criticized the unwarranted imposition of curfew  and excessive use of coercive force by the police against those Jammu citizens who were on the streets protesting against Pakistan and its internal terror modules  in the backdrop  of recent dastardly Pulwama terrorist attack. The JKHCBAJ demanded immediate withdrawal of FIRs lodged against them purportedly at the behest of Kashmiri main stream and separatists political leaders. JKHCBAJ urged upon the civil society to join hands in order to see that even when the Government decides to move against the nationalists, the  citizens of Jammu region come together in order to protect Indian nationalism and national interests in the State of J&K and isolate such elements who are terming them
BAJ demands
as miscreants. JKHCBAJ strongly criticized the main stream politicians and  such media persons who are floating  fake and communal narrative against Jammu region and its people. The utterances of main stream political parties in this regard are clear testimony to the fact that they are in competition with each other to get favours from Pakistan and its terror establishments. In fact the entire political establishment in Kashmir is behaving as instruments of Pakistan. These politicians are acting in a more dangerous manner than Pakistan and terrorist organizations because they act as subverters of Indian democracy,. JKHCBAJ added that the malicious and communal designs of these politicians  of the valley are understood  by all segments of society in Jammu province and the Bar will not allow them to succeed in creating or fomenting communal trouble in Jammu. In fact the fight in  J&K is by Nationalists against anti-nationals and not a regional or communal
JKHCBAJ decided to pay homage ( Shardhanjli ) to the brave heart Soldiers on 21stFebruary, at Shed No.2 in the District Court Complex, Janipur, Jammu at 12 Noon ( Thursday), who attained martyrdom on 14th & 18th February, 2019 while fighting the terrorist.
JKHCBAJ also lamented with regard the fact that it is ironical and fails common sense as to how the J&K Government can use penal and coercive measures against the Jammu nationalists in order to protect anti-nationalist at the cost of supreme national interest. They termed it as a subversion of  administrative setup which if goes unchecked and uncorrected will create serious ramification for the internal security of  the nation in general and Jammu in particular The JKHCBAJ will not tolerate such state instrumentalities working against the Nation .
Further, it was unanimously decided to suspend the work tomorrow on 21st February, 2019 ( Thursday) in all Courts including the Hon’ble High Court.


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