Star kid Janhvi Kapoor, who is just one film old in the industry, has already carved a niche for herself and is here in Bollywood to stay. However, the actress’ weak spot is her late mother Sridevi: Janhvi gets emotional at the simplest mention of her mother. Speaking about the advice that Sridevi gave her before her debut film Dhadak hit the screen, she said: “My mother would always tell me that whatever you think and carry in your heart will show on your face. So it is important for an actor to be a good person from within, because the camera captures everything.”Janhvi, who resembles her mother a fair amount, is making every effort to prove herself through her films.In the same year, the cosmetics brand Nykaa selected Kapoor to be their brand ambassador. In addition, Kapoor will play a slave girl in Karan Johar’s ensemble period film Takht, and star alongside Kartik Aaryan and Laksh Lalwani in a sequel to the 2008 romantic comedy Dostana.She will also star in Zoya Akhtar’s segment in the Netflix anthology film Ghost Stories.