Benefits Of Vajrasana: One Pose To Solve All Your Tummy Troubles


Yoga is one of the best ways to soothe, relax and uplift the trinity of body, mind and soul. It is a holistic approach to attain the silencing of mind, muting the cacophony of thoughts and to fix all possible imbalances present in body. Yoga heals inside out; it is one of the most inexpensive and easiest ways to stay fit physically as well as mentally. One of the best things about practicing yoga is that it comes easy. It is a mix of breathing exercises and simple poses that first work on you getting used to it and once you have started enjoying it, it takes you higher, enabling you to try out intense poses for greater flexibility and strength. Exactly, one of the reasons why this age-old science is rapidly catching up with the West is because it doesn’t feel like the agony of the gym. It uses your own body against you to challenge and strengthen it. What’s more surprising is that sometimes you don’t even have to do a thing. Simply lying on your back with hands and legs wide apart makes a yoga asana – shavasana. Talking of easy postures, today we shall talk about an asana that looks extremely stress-free yet does a great deal for the body – Vajrasana.”I do Ashtanga yoga three times a week, and I run a couple of times a week, too.
Vajrasana And Its Benefits
According to yogacharya Mr. Anoop, vajrasana stimulates the vajra nadi which facilitates good digestion. It helps relieve from sciatica, nerve issues and indigestion. “When you sit in vajrasana you obstruct blood flow to the lower part of your body – thighs and legs. This increases blood flow to your pelvic area and stomach due to which bowel movement and digestion becomes better. It aids liver functions as well,” noted Mr. Anoop
How To Get Into The Pose
Probably one of the easiest pose ever, getting into Vajrasana is a cakewalk; however, sustaining it can be a challenge for beginners. All you have to do is to sit on your knees with a straight posture and upright spine. Make sure your feet rest flat on the ground with soles turned upward, supporting your glutes for the posture. Focus on your breathing and try to hold the pose for at least 30 seconds. Vajrasana is also known as the adamantine pose, the thunderbolt or the diamond pose. It works on thighs, legs, hip, knees, back and ankles.
“It is the only pose that can be done on a full stomach. In fact, it should be done right after having a meal. Avoid doing it in case on any leg or knee injury. It is also known to relieve from constipation and facilitate nutrient absorption in body. If you notice, the Japanese tea ceremony always happens sitting in vajrasana,” shared a Delhi-based yoga aerobics expert, Vanita Randhwa.
Vajrasana or the thunderbolt pose is great stomach, liver and uterus exercise. It also strengthens the lower back. “It is a pose that comes when you kneel and sit on your knees, bringing your hips on your heels. The asana give your quadriceps a nice stretch,” Anju Kalhan, yoga expert, Vivafit fitness centre.
The pose is ideal for practicing long meditation. Initially, one may find it difficult to withstand the pose due to the intense stretch it gives to your legs and thighs but with time you may even go on till 20 minutes at a stretch. “Always practice this posture under supervision in case of back pain and knee injury,” concluded Ms. Kalhan.


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