Benifit of Pippali (Piper-Longum)


Dr. Namarta Raina

Pippali is a slender aromatic climber with perennial woody roots.It is also known as long pepper in englisg and pipal,pipar in Hindi.
Parts-used:- Fruit,Root and Stem are used in medicines.
Habitat:-Pippali grow in nature in mountain valley and coastal areas of tropical as well as sub-tropical region./
Therapeutic uses:-The root of pippali is useful in the treatment of headache,epilepsy.
Both the root and fruit are also used in treatment of cough,cold,Asthma.
Pippali with Madhu are used in treatment of Tonsillitis ,pharyngitis.
Pippali moola with madhu used in treatment of colic-pain ,Flatulence,Tuberculusis,Nausea,Menstrual disorders.
The powder of Pippali mula mixed with an equal quantity of jaggery is ideal treatment of high-blood pressure and sleeplessness.It can be taken at bed time or during any other time of day without causing any side-effects.
Pippali mula can be used in the form of decoction .For this purpose,one tablespoon (15gm) of its coarse powder and two cups of water are boiled and reduced to half-cup.It can also be taken in the form of tea.
Root of Pippali,eranda and citraka ,ginger should be taken in equal quantities and crushed to a powder.Intake of pinch of this powder instantly relieves colic-pain,Alatulence and intra absominal tumours.
Dose:- Pippali mula,powder and jaggery :-Half teaspoon (2.5gm) of each ,with milk or water thrice a day.
Powder one teaspoon(5gm) with milk or water thrice a day.
Milk preparation:-One cup (4ounces) with sugar to taste thrice a day.
Decoction :-Half -cup (2ounces) with sugar or jaggery thrice a day.
Tea: One cup (4ounces) with sugar thrice a day.
Pippali muladi churma:-One teaspoon (5gm) with warm water thrice a day.
Vyoshadi Vati
Pippali Khanda
Kanadi Churma

Dr.Namarta Raina
Deptt.of Kayachistsa
Jammu Institute of Ayurvedic & Research


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