Bhim calls on new generation to fight war for human rights, justice, equality & democracy


Shadow Correspondent
Prof.Bhim Singh, Chief Patron of National Panthers Party visited today Kathua & Samba District headquarters with senior Panthers Party leadership calling on the Parliament of India to ensure democracy and rule of law in J&K which has remained denied of fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens of India in Chapter-III of the Constitution of India. NPP Supremo expressed shock on the attitude of the Indian leadership and the Parliament of India by keeping the citizens of India in J&K out of the reach of human rights and rule of law.
Prof.Bhim Singh while addressing Panthers Party workers at Kathua & Samba expressed shock on behalf of the Indian citizens residing in J&K that the Parliament of India has not extended even Chapter-III of the Indian Constitution with human rights to its citizens in J&K since 1950 when Constitution of India was promulgated in India by keeping J&K out side the reach of the Indian Constitution. Maharaja Hari Singh, he said, had signed similar Instrument of Accession as was signed by 575 rulers from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. He expressed shock on the behaviour of the Indian Parliament to keep J&K out of the reach and fundamental rights guaranteed in the Indian Constitution.
Prof.Bhim Singh told the youngsters and the media in Kathua and Samba both bordering Districts with Pakistan, that the people of J&K including which include three regions, Ladakh, Kashmir and Jammu Pradesh have been denied fundamental rights by the Parliament of India nor the State of J&K has been provided the Indian Flag, the Indian Constitution or even Fundamental Rights which are guaranteed to every citizen of India.
Prof.Bhim Singh was accompanied by JKNPP General Secretary Ms. Anita Thakur, Provincial Secretary Mr. Shiv Charan Sambyal, District President Kathua Mr. Robin Sharma, District President Samba Mr. Rajeshwar Singh, State Secretary Mr. Ajay Singh, Ghulam Ahmed, Mr. Vijay Kumar and others.
Prof.Bhim Singh justified the demand of Panthers Party for dissolution of the suspended Assembly and an appointment of Delimitation Commission so that the women may get 33% share in the Legislative Assembly and other Scheduled Tribes including Gujjars-Bakerwals and Gaddies shall get their due share in the Legislative Assembly. He also appealed all sections of people in J&K and political parties including Hurriyat Conference to participate in the coming Assembly election so that all of us shall fight for our due share and democracy with rule of law in the State of J&K.
He also hoped that the Govt. of India shall accept the voice of the people to reorganize J&K so that Kashmir Ghat and Jammu Pradesh shall be allowed to develop as states with open right to the people of Ladakh to join either state Kashmir or Jammu Pradesh.


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