Actor Koena Mitra, who was eliminated from the ongoing reality show Bigg Boss 13 early this season, has said she regrets her decision to be a part of the controversial reality show that Salman Khan has been hosting for long. Claiming she feels “horrible” for the participants currently on the show, Koena even called two of them “ill psychopaths”. The names of contestants who have been labelled as psychopaths by Koena, are not clear. The tweet came after audiences witnessed Rashami and Sidharth washing their dirty linen in public over the weekend. Rashami talked about her previous fights with him and even dragged her old friend Arti Singh in the entire fiasco. After Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharma decided to disrupt normal activities in the house, Mahira declared she would not prepare breakfast for everyone. This triggered Madhurima who soon announced she would not wash the utensils. As the day progressed, Arti, Sidharth and Shehnaaz ganged up against Madhurima, criticising her that she did not carry out her duties perfectly.