BJP enemy of India’s poor and impoverished people: Bhalla


Shadow Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 13:
Senior Congress leaders Shri Raman Bhalla has expressed concern over the anti trade policies of the BJP government and UT administration especially to sell the local the resources and trade to the outside people at the cost of local traders and stakeholders. Interacting with local traders, JKPCC senior leader has said that the BJP government only wants to earn revenue out of anything at the cost of people who are suffering on multiple fronts and have to pay from their nose. He said that those who voted and supported BJP in the past, are now regretting for giving absolute power to the party which is now taking anti people, anti Jammu decisions and looting the people through taxes and earnings. The common man can’t afford the rates and people are suffering a lot. Now the government has decided to hit the liquor Trade as a result several traders shall be uprooted while the future generations would be spoiled and such policies for the sake of earning revenue at the plight of the people. These anti people policies of the BJP have caused great resentment amongst the people who are being fleeced from all sides.
Bhalla further said that earlier the government sold the minor minerals and the people are paying heavy price due to loot and unprecedented price of the sand and bajri .He reiterated his Party’s demand for rollback of existing geology and mining policy in Jammu and Kashmir. Highlighting the lacunas in the existing mining policy, Bhalla said it is because of the present policy that there is an acute shortage of construction material in Jammu and Kashmir. “The shortage and illegal mining has not only led to skyrocketing prices of construction material like sand, stones, gravel, aggregate etc but it has significantly halted the construction works including the government’s prestigious developmental projects,” he added.Bhalla said that not only prices of raw material have skyrocketed, but the livelihood of lakhs of families was severely affected. “Extraction of sand, gravel, boulder stones etc. is halted. Similarly, easementary rights of residents of J&K have been compromised. Business of Quarry Owners, Crusher Owners, Tipper Owners, Tractor Owners, Hot-Mix & Wet-Mix Plant Owners, Drivers, Masons and other concerned people has been jeopardized. This way the existing mining policy has tremendously added to the unemployment scale in J&K,” Bhalla remarked.He said families associated with the mining sector want a revised and comprehensive mining policy that will ensure the inherent rights of the natives on their natural resources. “The new policy should ensure employment for skilled and unskilled youth of J&K. It should also regulate market prices of construction material. The new policy should ensure hassle-free developmental work and it should end discrimination with residents of J&K,” he demanded.
Stating that people have rejected the “anti-J&K policies” adopted by the BJP-ruled central government, Bhalla said public protests virtually by all sections of society for their genuine demands should work as an “eye-opener” for BJP and its cronies, claiming that they have been tasked with restricting the growth of country, he said. He added that his party will continue to work for the people and won’t compromise on its stated position of working as a unifying force, besides safeguarding the interests of the people. Bhalla reiterated that the party will continue to fight against the alleged anti-J&K policies adopted by BJP since it assumed power at centre. Former Minister said that atmosphere in the country at present is such that people are not able to live peacefully.
No one is supposed to question the government about its policies and if do question, they are labelled as anti-nationals, he said adding that people are in trouble because of BJP Govt’s wrong policies. He said, the promises made prior to the elections have not been delivered even till today.The BJP has shamelessly exposed itself in its utter failure to govern the country on each front, he added. Bhalla asked the BJP to explain as to why it has failed in keeping up the promises made to the people and failing the people on all fronts.
Not only in jobs to the educated unemployed youth, he said, the BJP has brought the engine of development to a grinding halt thus pushing J&K and its people to wall. He said adding that BJP stands exposed for its anti-poor and anti-youth policies and these are the segments which are going to punish the party whenever elections are held for ditching people’s interests. He claimed that all sections of society were suffering under BJP rule as promises made to them have turned out to be hollow. Launching attack on BJP Govt, the Congress leader said that this government has left no stone unturned to destroy democratic institutions. He stressed that the J&K needed fair and strong constitutional institutions.
Bhalla lambasted the Centre for “decimating” small and medium businesses resulting in millions of job and livelihood losses across various sectors of economy.He said BJP has “lost” the trust of people of J&K forever. The BJP leaders have no concern for the poor. Instead, it protects the interests of corporates. They will never protect the interests of the poor. They will speak about the poor only to gain votes.
He said that statehood and rights to job and land are the identity and protection of the Dogra culture and the people of Jammu and Kashmir shall fight till last to secure their rights and status.He asked the people to rise against the oppressive policies of the BJP government which has rendered crore of youth as jobless and record unemployment in the country. This is an unprecedented and unparalleled decision in a modern, democratic society and reveals the BJP’s collusion with the exploitative quasi-feudal crony capitalist class. Prime Minister Narendra Modi may shed crocodile tears for the condition of the poor every now and then but each move of his government and his party points towards the fact that the BJP is an enemy of India’s poor and impoverished people, added Bhalla.


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