blks presents mega musical play “neel kanth gangadhar”


jammu,jul 19
To promote the rich traditional culture of J&K &SangamTruart Productionof BhartiyaLokSangeet Kala SansthanpresentedMega Cultural Performances for Amarnath pilgrims atDurgaBhawan Jammu in it’s443thFriday Series Musical Play “NEEL KANTH GANGADHAR”in close coordination withSangamnTru Art production.The Program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Sh.V.K.Magotra, former Regional Director, Directorate of Field Publicity, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.Among the Guest of Honor present wereDr.AnjuKumari Dogra, Govt. Health Department Jammu, Dr.Tara Singh Charak, Former Deputy Director , Health Department J&K Government. Among the Guest of Honors, RomeshChander, Advisor, Shavshat Art Gallery, & Mr. Mukesh Singh Senior Media Person. The Traditional folk culture of Jammu province and specially awareness items prepared on the theme on “BetiBachaoBetiPadhao”&”Swatch Bharat”, “Meri MattiMeraDesh” & “G-20″were presented. Theitems sung by the artists were ” Bhole Ji Ki Arti”,” Shiv Nath Teri Mahima teen log gaye ” , ” Kali Mata BaweBasdi ” “JapuTeroNaamJapuTeroNaam”, “Jai Jai Shiv Shanker”, “Sukh Mai na koi mere Ram”,” MeraBhola Na Mane ” ,”ShaherShaheraurGaon-Gaon main sab nainchhapatuthaihai” , “Swachh Bharat Ho Swasth Bharat”,etc. The Chief Guest saidduring the SamudraManthan, hala-hal, a pot of lethal poison also came out of the ocean. It was supposed to be so toxic that it could have wiped out the entire creation. Lord Shiva drank the poison to save others. However, Parvati – Lord Shiva’s wife squeezed his neck so that the poison does not get into his stomach.The above mentioned songs written by the Dr. M.L.Dogra Chairman and composed by Raju Bajgal, Music Instructor.The Song &Skits was recorded & uploaded online on Social Media for benefit of the peoples. Welcoming the dignitaries Mahesh ChanderKotwal,SectyBLSKS explained aims & objectives of the programme which have been assigned to the Sansthan for betterment of society in his key note address highlighted the various publicity and entertainment aspects of the song and drama division programs. The singers, musician and actors who performed were K.K.Joshi, Raju Bajgal,Rajni Gupta, Rahul Kumar, Chahat Chadha ,Sanjeev Kumar Sodhi, Kuldeep Raj , NaiyaDigra , RenuBalamany others presented the enthrilled performance at last of the programe, Mr.Deepak Kumar Dogra presented vote of thanks for successful conduction of the programs.


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