BLSKS presents 269th Dogri Musical Play “Nashe Kola Bacho”


Jammu, July 14:
To aware the masses about the ill effect of drugs & to promote the traditional culture of J&K, BhartiyaLokSangeet Kala Sansthanin  close coordination, SangamTru Art Production & National college of Computer Education presented its 269TH Saturday seriesDogri musical play”Nache Kola Bacho”on the theme of “DRUG ABUSE” at Open Air Theatre DurgaBhawanJanipur, Jammu to  promote most effective measures to protect the masses especially the vulnerable population i.e. adolescents from getting exploited by the menace of Drug addiction and enable them to adopt  safe and rational use of drugs by way of generating awareness through effective information and communication technologies. The Program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest V.K Magotra, Former Regional Director,  Directorate of Field Publicity, and Government of India. Among the Guest of Honors present Dr. Tara Singh Charak, Former Deputy Director , Health Department J&K Government , Dr. Anju KumariDogra, Directorate of Health J&K Government, Dr.Anupriya Sharma, President Medical  Cell  J&K State. Specially prepared on the theme “Nasha Nai Kario Munde Kureio” ,  ” BachoBachoTobacoo Kola Bacho”, “Nai Pee Shraban”, “Bari KharabChutki” , “NahinPiya Tobacco Balma” , Nukkad, Skits ,Songs and Dances were presented to aware the masses. The Chief Guesthighlighted the dangers of drug use and their illegal trade and provides educational material to teachers and public officials all over the world to help spread the message about the extreme cultural and economic harm the trade in drugs is still doing across the globe and lauded the efforts of the organizers in making such awareness programmes colorful and effective.
Welcome speech was given by Sh. M.L.Dogra, Chairman, BhartiyaLokSangeet  Kala Sansthan who appealed to the audience especially children to be the eyes and ears of the nation and pledged to put maximum efforts to make J&K State free from Menace of Drug addiction and also recalled the significant role of NGO’S in the last few decades for bridging this gap by creating low cost replicable models of health caresuch as child mental health, schizophrenia and psychotic conditions, drug and alcohol abuse, dementia etc. Their activities have included treatment, rehabilitation, community care, research, training and capacity building, awareness and lobbying. And tobacco smoke can cause many cancers, methamphetamine can cause severe dental problems, known as “meth mouth,” and that opioids can lead to overdose and death. In addition, some drugs, such as inhalants, may damage or destroy nerve cells, either in the brain or the peripheral nervous system (the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord. Drug use can also increase the risk of contracting infections. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C (a serious liver disease) infection can occur from sharing injection equipment and from impaired judgment leading to unsafe sexual activity. Infection of the heart and its valves (endocarditis) and skin infection (cellulitis) can occur after exposure to bacteria by injection drug use. Dr. Anju Kumariin her address stressed for extracting the maximum attention of the masses especially addicted population who suffered from the use of tobacco & tobacco products, alcohol and Liquor and other such habit forming agents i.e. Cocaine, Morphine, Heroin, etc.she also said drug abuse can make you sickcause depression,personality and thought disorder. Raju Bajgal,Troupe Incharge- Stap said that we adopt us indigotic culture of India and also revive our tradition of composite culture which BLSKS as contributed a lot in the hilly  track of J&K State  for the peace and the spirits of  Communal harmony.


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