BLSKS presents Musical Play “Tum Chandan Hum Pani”


Shadow Correspondent
To celebrate the 640th Birthday Anniversary of Guru Ravi Dass and promote the rich traditional culture of J&K , Bhartiya Lok Sangeet Kala Sansthan in coordination with Sangam Tru Art celebrated Guru Ravi Dass’s Jayanti and presented 142th Musical Play “TUM CHANDAN HUM PANI” at open air theatre, Durga Bhawan Janipur Jammu. The Program was inaugurated by V.K.Magotra,Former Regioonal Director,of Directorate of Field Publicity, Government of India.Sh.Madan Lal Kalotra, Former Supd. Engineer PDD, J&K Govt , Dr.Tara Singh Charak ,Former Deputy Director, Health Department ,J&K Government were the guest of honor.
The programe was commenced with song “TUM CHANDAN HUM PANI” , “KATHOTHI MAIN GANGA”, “HARI MIGI PADUKA NBANAI LIYA OH” sung by the renowned artistes Usha Handoo, Raju Bajgal, M.C.Kotwal , Hem Raj , K.K.Joshi .
The Musical play was written ,produced and directed by Sh.M.L.Dogra former Regional Director, Song and Drama Division Ministry of Information and Broadcasting ,Government of India and music was composed by music Teacher Sh.Raju Bajgal.
The Musical play was highly appreciated by the audience.
The Chief Guest lauded the efforts of the organizers in making such awareness programmes colorful and effective and Highlighted History of Guru Ravi Das and his teachings
The singers ,musician and actors who performed were Usha Handoo ,K.K.Joshi, Rajni Gupta , HemRaj , Sunil Kumar , Deevam jandiyal , Rakshit Sharma , Dhruv Pandit ,Bodh Raj ,Pooja Loach, Sonu Gupta, Shival Kumar ,Bhumika Chib, Ayush Bhat ,Yog Raj, Nadeem , Pallavi Sharma, Mohini Kesar, Salman Bhatti,Neha Bhat , Mukhtiar Ahmed, Bindiya, Renu Saproo , Sakshi Devi, Hemika, Sahil Sharma, Ravi Kumar, Mohd. Afroz and others presented the enthrilled performance Master Deepak Kumar presented vote of thanks for successful conduction of the program.


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