Chairman JK Bank launches Bank’s Internal Communication & Knowledge Management initiative


Srinagar, April 29:
In a bid to scale-up the level of knowledge of its human resource and keep them abreast of the latest developments in the banking and financial sector, Chairman and CEO J&K Bank, Parvez Ahmed on Sunday unveiled the first issue of the Bank’s monthly in-house magazine ‘TRUST’ rolled out by the Internal Communication & Knowledge ManagementDepartment of the bank . The magazine was launched in an impressive function at Bank’s Corporate Headquarters in presence of the Bank’s Executive Presidents R K Chibber and P K Tickoo, Presidents, G M Sadiq, Sunil Gupta, Rakesh Gandotra, ArunGandotra, Mohammad Maqbool Lone, Ghulam NabiTeli, RajniSaraf and Mohammad YounusPatoo, Vice Presidents, Clusters Heads and other senior officials of the bank. Explaining the raison d’etre of the Internal Communication & Knowledge Management initiative and roll out of the monthly in-house magazine, the Chairman and CEO Parvez Ahmed said, “Many organisations aspire to change the society in which it exists but very few have all the elements required: talent, resources, passion, perseverance and resilience. J&K Bank has time and again proven that it has all these in abundance. As the Chairman and CEO of this wonderful organization this has been the recipe of my success in turning around the bank from a loss of 1632 Cr to seven continuous quarters of profitability, I can’t ask for a better. No doubt we have made a lot of progress but we are not done yet and to achieve the crowning glory we need to keep hitting the refresh button to align the knowledge and skill of our staff with the dynamic requirements of banking.”
Expounding on the dynamic character of the banking and finance sector, the chairman reiterated on the need to reorient the workforce as per the changing landscape of the banking sector. “Two decades ago when I joined the bank the A, B, C, D of banking was Accounting, Book Keeping, Credit and Debit which has now changed to Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud and Data Analytics. Earlier banking meant going to bank spending a couple of hours between 10 AM to 2 PM and just see the dramatic change now it is 24*7 sitting at home on a click of a button. Such tectonic shifts in the way banking is being reshaped need to be supported by lifelong learning platforms and that is what we need to accept as a reality. We have to provide that kind of leverage to our employees. We have to design courses to cater to such change or else the way things are changing we may be rendered Skill less and hence redundant. We need to adapt and readapt ourselves to do it again and again to keep pace with the changing paradigm”, he said. Earlier the Editor of the Magazine and the In-charge of the Bank’s Internal Communication & Knowledge ManagementDepartment made a detailed presentation to the audience about the initiative and the pipeline of various upgradation modules to be released in the magazine in future.Notably, the Chairman and CEO is the patron of the magazine with P K Tickoo as the head of its editorial board. Members of the board include Presidents, Rakesh Gandotra, Sunil Gupta, Rajni Saraf, Mohammad Maqbool and Vice President, Roshan Khayal Khan, with SajjadBazaz as the editor of the magazine.


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