Chander Mohan attains superannuation


Shadow Correspondent
Jammu, Jan, 31
Sh. Chander Mohan, Executive Director, NHPC Region J&K superannuated from the services of the Corporation on 31st January, 2019 after rendering 38 years of distinguished services in NHPC. A grand function was organized at Regional Office, Jammu where all the employees of NHPC bid farewell to the Executive Director. Sh. SK Dubey a Civil Engineer by profession will assume the charge of Executive Director, Region J&K from 1st Feb. 2019.
He was welcomed at Jammu by Sh. Chander Mohan & Sr. Officers of NHPC and employees of Regional Office, Jammu. He shall be responsible for all operating NHPC Power Stations in the State of J&K. Sh. Dubey is a competent professional with over three decades of extensive experience in Hydro Power Sector.


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