Chennai: The ruling AIADMK in Tamil Nadu Friday approached Assembly Speaker P Dhanapal for “due legal action” against three of its MLAs for alleged anti-party activities in the backdrop of them siding with rival leader and AMMK chief TTV Dhinakaran. Chief Government Whip S Rajendran submitted a petition to the speaker seeking action against MLAs A Prabu (Kallakurichi), E Rathinasabapathy (Aranthangi) and V T Kalaiselvan (Vriddhachalam). The move has sparked speculation about another round of disqualification of the ruling party legislators after Dhanapal had stripped 18 pro-Dhinakaran AIADMK MLAs of their assembly membership in September 2017 under the anti-defection law. The 18 were disqualified for revolting against Chief Minister K Palaniswami in August 2017, after he merged the faction led by him with the group headed by then rebel leader O Panneerselvam, now the state deputy chief minister. “I have submitted a petition with the speaker against Prabu, Rathinasabapathy and Kalaiselvan for indulging in anti-party activities and have sought due legal action,” Rajendran told reporters here. Asked if the “legal action” meant disqualifying the three, he said the speaker should decide on that. The whip said he has attached “photo proof” of the “anti-party” activities of the MLAs. These include “holding positions” and records of events they had participated, apparently related to the Amma Makkal Munnetra Kazhagam. However, he did not elaborate. A similar complaint of anti-party activities was given against the three earlier as well, but more proof was attached on Friday, Rajendran said. Asked if the ruling party’s move was prompted by any “fear of defeat” in the polls, Lok Sabha as well as assembly by-elections to 22 constituencies, he shot back saying the AIADMK will all the seats. Thirty-eight Lok Sabha seats and 18 assembly segments went to polls on April 18 while bypoll to elect another four MLAs is slated for May 19. The results of all would be announced on May 23. The outcome of the assembly bypolls could have a bearing on the continuance of the two-year old Palaniswami government and the AIADMK would need to win at least ten of them to be in the comfort zone. In the 234-member Tamil Nadu Assembly with 22 vacancies, the AIADMK has a strength of 113, excluding the speaker. The simple majority mark in the full House is 117. The principal opposition DMK along with its allies, including Congress, has 97 MLAs. Incidentally, two MLAs of AIADMK allies, designated as party members in the assembly records as they contested on its symbol, have shown signs of stress with the ruling party. Legislator S Karunaas, leader of Mukkulathor Puli Padai, has been anti-government for some time, while Manithaneya Jananayaga Katchi MLA M Thamimun Ansari, a strident critic of the BJP, backed the DMK-led alliance in the Lok Sabha polls after AIADMK struck a poll pact with the saffron party.


Kolkata: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Friday wrote to the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) seeking prompt action against West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, alleging that she violated the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) by asking her party workers to resort to violence to ensure Trinamool Congress (TMC) victory in the elections.

The letter written by BJP to the CEO reads, “In an election meeting at Seuri (Bhirbhum PC) held on 25 April 2019; Smt Mamata Banerjee had advised her followers to conduct elections with intimidations and threats. This was a serious violation of MCC, where the Chief Minister of the State and the Chairperson of Trinamool Congress Party was instigating her workers to take the course of violence in the election.”


Letter written by BJP to CEO seeking action against Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee (Photo: ANI)Letter written by BJP to CEO seeking action against Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee (Photo: ANI)

The letter also mentions the need for Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) to be deployed in all booths for the elections which are to be held in the fourth phase in WB since violence in the third phase of elections had led to the death of a voter.

The letter further states a brutal attack launched by the state police forces on the lawyers at Howrah District Court, which according to the BJP, is another example of the pitiable condition of law and order in Bengal.

“On 24 April 2019, there was an incident of a brutal attack on lawyers by the State Police Force at Howrah District Court. The incident is yet another burning example of the miserable condition of law and order situation of the State.”

“As a direct consequence of the unfortunate incident, the agitating legal fraternity has called seize of work (strike) of all legal process of the state including the functioning of the courts till 29 April 2019,” the letter states.

The letter further says that there is an immediate need by the CEO and the Election Commission to intervene and take strong action against the West Bengal CM for encouraging poll violence and to deploy central armed forces to ensure free and fair elections in the state.

Elections in West Bengal were held in three phases and will continue in the remaining four phases on April 29, May 6,12 and 19. The counting of votes will begin on May 23.


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