Child blindness campaign urges people to donate eyes


Shalimar Paints has started an initiative to bring colours to the lives of the blind kids. To introduce the concept of #ColourALife, the brand has transformed the recovery rooms of eye hospitals by painting them with vibrant colours which gave them a view that till now would have only existed in their imaginations.

Through this digital campaign, Shalimar Paints endeavours to highlight the issue of child blindness and help the affected children by plugging the gap between the darkness and colours.


The nearly five-minute-long video follows the morning routine of blind and visually-impaired students at a school dormitory and then shows their school life. The opening sequence includes their voice-overs detailing how the definition of colours holds a different meaning for them.

The camera then pans on a paintbrush being dipped in a Shalimar paint box and a wall being painted, which actually belongs to the recovery room of an eye hospital. By painting the walls with vibrant colours, the brand wanted these visually-impaired kids to see it as the first thing while opening their eyes after their eye surgeries.

Speaking on the ideation of the campaign, Minal Srivastava, Vice President-Strategy, Growth and Marketing, Shalimar Paints, said, “In our country, there are several kids suffering from visual impairment and for them, the concept of colour loses its essence until they get treated. The idea behind this campaign was shaped while we were working with a number of talented artists from different backgrounds who suffered from vision maladies. At that time, I was working with the Shroff Eye Clinic. During this period, I realised that these visually impaired children are gifted with special talents and if at all they need anything it is the eye sight. Unfortunately, there isn’t a shortage of money, but of corneas.  Through this campaign, we want to reach out to the young student community that can encourage and drive a mindset- change among other people to take the pledge of donating their eyes.”


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