RS Pura,jul 15
Senior Congress leader and BDC Chairman Dilip Kumar today said that sports offer abundant career openings and urged budding sportspersons to give their best to the chosen game to achieve heights.“Alongside personality development and overall physical growth, the sports have emerged as challenging careers with sky being the limit for the best”, Dilip said at the concluding function of Cricket tournament organized in village Satrian of Suchetgarh Assembly constituency. Total 64 teams participated in Cricket tournament.The winners’ trophy in the finals was clinched by Goldie Cricket Club which defeated Mithu Cricket Club.Speaking on the occasion, Dilip lauded the camaraderie among the sportspersons, saying this is imperative for harmonious growth of the society. He appreciated the enthusiasm among youth towards sports and said the area does not lack the talent but there is a need to identify it and polish their skills by providing coaching and facilitating avenues for practice. Dilip also complimented the organizers for holding the event, saying this will go a long way in showcasing the talent of the budding cricketers, which will eventually inspire youngsters to opt for sports in a big way. This is as important as academics, he said and hoped that the youth will maintain balance between the two and strive for achieving excellence in both the disciplines. He wished sports persons and organizers success in their endeavours, hoping they will bring laurels to Tehsil RS Pura in various events played across Jammu and Kashmir as also at the national level. Later, Dilip presented winners’ trophy to Goldie Cricket Club and runner up trophy to Mithu Cricket Club Badhori. He congratulated both the teams for their performance.Besides, a large number of sports enthusiasts, prominent personalities in the area were also present on the occasion.At the outset, Dilip was introduced to the cricketers and all those associated with the game by the organizers.Dilip expressed happiness over large scale participation of youth in sports, saying this is imperative for maintaining physical fitness and keeping mind agile.“Sky is the limit for youth to excel, be it sports or academics,” he said .He lauded the Jammu and Kashmir youth for vehemently participating in almost all the games played at national and international levels. It is not just their participation but bringing laurels to their institutions in general and J&K in particular, he added.The day is not far when the motivated youngsters of Jammu would showcase their talent at the national and international levels given their grit and determination. He said sports present a unique opportunity to young boys and girls to excel and bring laurels, not only for themselves, but for the place they belong to as well.
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