CS for clearing backlog of Ayushman Bharat cases till December


Also directed for empanelling new hospitals
Chief Secretary, Atal Dulloo, today impressed upon the Health & Medical Education (H&ME) Department to make strenuous efforts to clear all the backlog cases of Ayushman Bharat, providing free health coverage to the population, before the end of December here.
The meeting, besides Secretary H&ME, was attended by Director SKIMS; Principles of Medical Colleges; CEO State Health Agency (SHA); DG Budget and other concerned officers.
Outstation officers participated in the meeting through video conferencing.
Dulloo took this occasion to emphasise upon the Department to work out an action plan to reimburse the authentic cases especially those of private hospitals to enable them to offer seamless services to public.
He enjoined upon the concerned to rationalise the staff deployed for authentication of cases and their subsequent cross-checking so that the cases from both public and private hospitals are processed at a reasonable pace without facing any undue delays.
While stressing on strict monitoring of the claims to check their genuineness, the Chief Secretary asked for looking into the district wise coverage of NFSA families with that of the Gold Cards issued against the persons in those families.
He also advised the Department to empanel new hospitals that have forayed into operation here in J&K
CS for clearing
especially those of national repute. He specified that such steps are going to enhance the quality of services besides encouraging other players to join the fray.
While speaking in the meeting, the Secretary H&ME, Dr Syed Abid Rashid Shah, made out that keeping the severity of the patients into consideration the authorization in favour of Dialysis and Onco-Surgeries are being prioritized by the Department.
He also laid out the action plan for speeding-up the approvals of pre-authorizations in a time-bound manner. He reiterated that measures would be taken apace to clear the backlog as the directives issued by the chair.
It was also revealed that during the current policy period starting from 15th of March this year almost 2,65,000 pre-authorizations had been made and 2,51,487 claims submitted for payment.
It was further apprised that in terms of manpower, SHA has increased it to a larger extent and in coming days more medics, accounts personnel are going to be deployed for making the process more seamless and time-bound for the easement of general public.


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