CUG, Prof BalajiRanganathan delivers Lecture at SMVDU


Shadow Correspondent
Prof BalajiRanganathan, Chairperson of the Center for Comparative Literature and Translation Studies at Central University Gujrat delivered lectures on ‘JaquesLacan and the Problem of Desire’ during Two Week Summer School-cum-FDP, organized by the School of Languages & Literature, SMVD University.
In his lectures, Prof.BalajiRanganathandiscussed in details about the psychoanalysis, psychosomatic disorders, Lacanian and Saussure’s formulation and how language acts as a means of understanding the idea of meaninglessness. In this light, he mentioned numerous seminal texts such as Freud’s The Uncanny, Derrida’s Of Grammatology, Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams, Lacan’s Formations of the Unconscious and alike.
He also highlighted the Lacanian Model wherein he focused upon the three orders namely Real Lack, the Imaginary Order and the Mirror stage and the Symbolic order and the Role of Desire.Prof.Ranganathan has an expertise in Oriental Studies, Orientalism and Colonial India, Comparative Indian Literature, Psychoanalysis, Historiography and alike.


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