Cutting out red meat reduces risk of heart disease in one month


A new study conducted by scientists from the Cleveland Clinic Centre for Micrbiome and Human Health have found that regular consumption of red meat can raise level of a heart disease-causing chemical by more than ten times.However, the study also adds that one can undo the damage eating them cause within just one month, if they cut out red meat.The organic compound is known as TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) and having high levels of it is associated with increasing the risk of stroke, heart attacks and premature death.
The study found that the chemical level rise threefold after just one month of eating red meat.
Compared to people who ate white meat or veggie meals, red meat eaters had a ten-fold risk.With chicken being an excellent source of high quality protein, it helps in maintaining body weight especially for obese people. Adequate protein quantities would mean that your stomach stays full leaving no scope for binge eating. Including chicken two to three times in a week is not a bad idea, however, ensure to cook it in a healthy way.On average, TMAO levels in the blood and urine increased approximately 3-fold during the red meat diet, compared to the white meat or non-meat diets, with some patients showing over a 10-fold rise.However, after patients stopped the red meat diet, TMAO levels in the blood and urine fell back down over the following month.Meat is mainly composed of water, protein, and fat. It is edible raw, but is normally eaten after it has been cooked and seasoned or processed in a variety of Unprocessed meat will spoil or rot within hours or days as a result of infection with and decomposition by bacteria and fungi.Do you aspire to have a muscular and toned body, then chicken is your answer. The high protein content would give you the necessary energy to function properly. However, do ensure to balance it out with enough macro and micro nutrients in your diet.hicken health benefits includes treating anemia, supporting psychological health, protecting eyesight, supporting body cells and tissues, boosting immune system, and supporting oral health. Other benefits includes supporting nail health, balancing cortisol hormones, support cardiovascular health, preventing seasonal cold and supporting weight loss.


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