DDC Rajouri reviews functioning of School Education Deptt


Shadow Correspondent
District Development Commissioner Mohammad Aijaz Asad today reviewed the functioning of education department here at a meeting.
The meeting was attended by Chief Planning Officer, Chief Education Officer, ACD Rajouri, EXNs PWD, REW, Block Development Officers and Zonal Education Officers.
The DDC asked chief education Officer, Zonal Education officers, Engineers of the Education wing to take a comprehensive review of the Education Sector works and submit report.
The meeting also reviewed the Developmental activities in the Education sector, status of Mid day meal Scheme being implemented through PRIs, SAMAGRA, self defense training of school children, the availability of the stationary and books for children, Gender Ratio in each school, disbursement of the student scholarship and physical and financial progress of the all the works.
The chief Education officer informed that there are 1724 schools in the district with a total enrollment of 91383. He further said that presently 55 different works with an outlay of 1.82 crore are being executed under the district plan.
DDC took a comprehensive review of the developmental works being executed by the Rural Development Department, R&B and other agencies. He directed the concerned to expedite the work to overcome the problem of accommodation and fencing in the schools. He directed the ZEOs to monitor the progress of work on regular basis. The CEO was asked to submit the list of land disputes, so that the issues could be resolved at the earliest.
For imparting quality education and enforcing punctuality in schools, the District Development Commissioner stressed on conducting regular inspections by the zonal Education officer concerned. He asked the ZEOs to set quantifiable targets to review the outcome of the students in the schools. He also directed them to inspect a cluster of 30 schools in one month and do not restrict the inspections to road side schools only.

He further stressed on the parent teacher meet and directed the ZEOs to make it compulsory on a monthly basis.


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